New Views of the Moon - 2


NVM-2 will synthesize the revolution in our understanding of the Moon since the beginning of the 21st century, given the international interest in and number of missions flown to our nearest celestial neighbor. Each chapter will, therefore, integrate and synthesize a lot of data, so writing teams for each chapter are being built.

The current plan is to publish this volume as a RiM-G volume (Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, published jointly by the Mineralogical Society of America and the Geochemical Society) as was done with the first New Views book (RiM-G Vol. 60) published in 2006. We are currently working through the Planetary Materials Interest Group of the MSA to make a formal proposal and get the book into the RiM-G queue.

The emphasis of the chapters in NVM-2 is on lunar science and exploration through integration and synthesis of multiple datasets. The chapters are not intended to be technique or mission specific.

NVM-2 inaugural workshop, 24-26 May 2016 at the LPI: click for the program and abstracts

NVM-2 Europe workshop, 4-5 May 2017 at the University of Münster, Germany: click for the program and abstracts

NVM-2 Asia workshop, 18-20 April 2018 at Aizu University, Fukishima Province, Japan: click for the programs and abstracts

Details on the original New Views of the Moon, published in 2006, can be found here.

Chapter size: ~30 book pages (RiM-G volume of the Mineralogical Society of America). One RiM-G page (text only) = 730 words.

RiM-G Writing Guidelines for Chapter Co-Leads

RiM-G Style Guidelines for Chapter Co-Leads

Steering Committee: Lisa Gaddis (USGS), Brad Jolliff (Washington University, St. Louis), Sam Lawrence (NASA-JSC),
Steve Mackwell (USRA), Clive Neal (University of Notre Dame), and Chip Shearer (University of New Mexico).

Material for the on-line archive and color plates can be found here.

NVM-2 Meeting at LPSC-49: Notes

NVM-2 Chapters (tentative and order is still TBD):

Summaries of Recent Missions

Sam Lawrence
Lisa Gaddis

Endogenous Volatiles Yang Liu
Francis McCubbin
The Contribution of Lunar Meteorites

Ryan Zeigler
Katie Joy

Origin of the Moon and Earth System Robin Canup
Kevin Righter
Magmatic Evolution 1: Initial Differentiation Amy Gaffney
Paul Warren
Magmatic Evolution 2: A New View of Post-Differentiation Magmatism Chip Shearer
Clive Neal
Volcanic Features and Processes Jim Head
Harry Hiesinger
Impact History of the Moon Barbara Cohen
Bill Bottke
Lunar Impact Chronology

Carolyn van der Bogert
Harry Hiesinger

Lunar Impact Features & Processes Jay Melosh
Gordon Osinski
Origin and Evolution of the Moon's Dynamo Mark Wieczorek
Ben Weiss
The Structure of the Lunar Interior Jeff Andrews-Hanna
Renee Weber
Evolution of the Lunar Crust Carle Pieters
Steve Elardo
Lunar Tectonics

Amanda Nahm
Catherine Johnson
Tom Watters

Surface Volatiles  Dana Hurley
Matt Siegler
Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Bill Farrell
Jasper Halekas
Space Weathering and Exosphere-Surface Interactions Sarah Noble
Brett Denevi
Surface Processes (Regolith) Mark Robinson
Jeff Plescia
Georgiana Kramer
Lunar Resources

Ian Crawford
Mahesh Anand

Development of  the Moon & Cislunar Space  Paul Spudis
Tony Lavoie
A Framework for Lunar Surface Scientific Exploration Jake Bleacher
Dean Eppler
Kelsey Young