College News
Antsaklis Receives Presidential Appointment <more>
Brennecke Receives Professional Progress Award <more>
Construction Slated to Begin on New Engineering Buildings <more>
Corke Receives University Research Award <more>
Face Recognition Article Hits Top 25 List <more>
Flynn Named IAPR Fellow <more>
Fuja Named EE Department Chair <more>
Jena Receives CAREER Award <more>
Kogge Named to Interim Council for CCC <more>
Ovaert Named ASME Fellow <more>
Roeder Receives TMS Early Career Award <more>
Silliman Receives Global Engineering & Engineering Technology Educator Award <more>
Yang Receives Jakob Memorial Award <more>

ND-SWE Named Outstanding Student Section

The Notre Dame student section of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE-ND) received the top award for Outstanding Medium Collegiate Section (36 to 100 members) at the SWE national conference in October 2006. “We’re thankful and excited to be recognized for the work we do to enhance awareness of the opportunities for women in engineering,” says Katie Murphy, the 2006-07 president of SWE-ND.

The award is not the first the SWE-ND section has brought back to campus. In the last four years the group has received the Best Student Section award from the SWE Chicago regional section three times.

SWE-ND adviser Cathy Pieronek, the director of academic affairs and the Women’s Engineering Program, credits the recognition to the enthusiasm and commitment of the SWE-ND members. She says, “SWE-ND has become one of the most active and vibrant engineering organizations on campus. They hosted the 2005 Region H Conference and increased membership more than 40 percent last year alone.”

In addition to on-campus events SWE-ND is active in the community, participating in programs such as Ms. Wizard Day and Expanding Your Horizons (annual workshops that introduce middle school girls to careers in engineering and science), assisting local Girl Scout troops with technology badges, and judging local middle school science fairs.

During the conference, SWE also honored large (more than 100 members) and small sections (35 members or less), as well as the Outstanding New Collegiate Section. A not-for-profit educational and service organization founded in 1950, SWE consists of nearly 100 professional and 300 student sections.


Student News

Bengal Bouts: A Fighting Chance <more>

Brenner Receives Grant for Community-based Research <more>

ND-SWE Named Outstanding Student Section <more>
Nightingale and Wittich Named DEPS Scholars <more>
Notre Dame Teams Place in 2006 ACM Contest <more>
On Location in the Big Easy <more>

Alumni News

To visit College of Engineering Alumni News <click here>



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