Highly Trustworthy Crowdsourcing
This project focused on how to organized Citizen Engineers and enable them to collaborate in various aspects of the integrated design chain (IDC) by developing cyberinfrastructure, policies and social structures that (1) harness human effort, (2) tap collective knowledge, (3) pool communal software and (4) leverage distributed computational hardware – what we term four Dimensions of Collaboration (DoC).The overreaching interest is is methods to achieve Highly Trustworthy results.

Additional Information
The primary web site for this project is maintained by project PI, Dr. Tracy Kijewski-Correa, and can be found at:
This web site is maintained by project Co-PI, Greg Madey, and provides supplementary documentation on the project reflecting contributions by the Cyberinfrastructure Laboratory.
The primary web site for this project is maintained by project PI, Dr. Tracy Kijewski-Correa, and can be found at:
This web site is maintained by project Co-PI, Greg Madey, and provides supplementary documentation on the project reflecting contributions by the Cyberinfrastructure Laboratory.