05/2023 Congratulations to Bingyue Su and Yu Wang on successfully defending their doctoral dissertations. All the best for your future, Dr. Su and Dr. Wang!
02/2023: Congratulations to Ruyu Zhou on advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!
11/2022: Fang Liu is named to the 2022 Notre Dame All-Faculty Team! Watch
a brief video
highlighting Fang's work and view
her testimonial quote.
Congratulations! Dr. Liu.
07/2022: Spencer Giddes is selected a Lucy Scholar by the Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society to work on differential privacy related reseach topics. Congratulations! Spencer.
04/2022: Fang Liu is named the 2022 recipient of the College Research Award in the College of Science at the University of Notre Dame. Congratulations! Dr. Liu.
12/06/2021: Ruyu Zhou joined Liu's research group as a doctoral student. Ruyu holds a B.S. degree in Applied Mathematics and Mathematics from Sichuan University. Welcome! Ruyu.
05/04/2021: Fang Liu is named a Fellow of American Statistical Association! Congratulations! Dr. Liu. Read the news here.
04/2021: Congratulations to Spencer Giddens on advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!
Congratulations! Xingyuan.
04/09/2021: Congratulations to Tian Yan on advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!
Congratulations! Tian.
03/05/2021: Fang Liu is featured in Women Lead 2021 in celebration of the Womens History Month. Read her story here.
03/04/2021: Congratulations to Xingyuan Zhao on advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!
Congratulations! Xingyuan.
01/06/2021: Spencer Giddens joined Liu's research group as a doctoral student. Spencer holds a B.S. degree in Applied and Comoputational Mathematics and a M.S. degree in Mathematics from the Brigham Young University. Welcome! Spencer.
03/27/2020: Congratulations to Yu Wang on advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!
Congratulations! Yu.
03/05/2020: Congratulations to Yinan Li on successfully defending his doctoral disseration today. All the hard work and determination have paid off! Way to go! Dr. Li!
02/06/2020: Congratulations to Bingyue Su on advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!
Congratulations! Bingyue.
09/18/2019: We are pleased to host and welcome Dong Wang as a visiting doctoral student. Dong is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science from Wuhan University in China Welcome! Dong.
09/11/2019: Tian Yan and Xingyuan Zhao joined Liu's research group as doctoral students. Tian has a Bachelor in Economics from Central University of Finance and Economics in China and a MS in Applied Mathematics and Statistics from Johns Hopkins University. Xingyuan has a BS in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Beijing Normal Univeristy. Welcome! Tian and Xingyuan.
07/05/2019: Congratulations to Evercita Eugenio on completing her doctoral disseration and receiving her Ph.D. on Aug 4, 2019! She will join Sandia National Labs in California as a Senior Statistician. All the best, Evercita!
01/22/2019: Bingyue Su joined Liu's research group as a doctoral student. Bingyue has a BS in Mathematics from UTSC in China and a MS in Statistics from Columbia. Welcome! Bingyue.
01/07/2019: Yu Wang joined Liu's research group as a doctoral student. Yu has a BS in Mathematics from Beihang University in China and a MS in Applied Mathematics from Upenn. Welcome! Yu.
05/15/2018: Congratulations to Claire Bowen on successfully defending her dissertation on 03/27/2018 and being awarded a Ph.D. Degree in ACMS on 05/19/2018! She will be working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Los Alamos National Labs in New Mexico. All the best, Claire!
11/8/2017: Congratulations to Yinan Li on advancing to Ph.D candidacy! Congratulations! Yinan.
05/25/2017: Ashley Ahimbisibwe has been awarded full merit-based scholarships for the 2017–2018 academic year through the Clare Boothe Luce Program.
Congratulations! Ashley.
05/2017: Claire Bowen won the Calire Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Student Scholarship to attend the GHC Women in Computing conference in Oct 2017.
Congratulations! Claire.
01/2017: Claire Bowen won the Best Student Paper Award on the paper "Comparative Study of Differentially Private Data Synthesis Methods." (Bowen and Liu, 2016). Claire will present the paper at the JSM in Baltimore in Aug 2017.
Congratulations! Claire.