Footnotes: Ein Fastnachtspiel

1zarten hausdiern:  lovely housemaid
2kuten:  quinces
3pletz und krapfen bachen:  bake cookies and donuts
4turren sagen:  to dare say
5"Und ob ir uns nicht tut zustoren":  and if you will not interrupt us
6where we roamed a long time
7Itlicher:  each one
8lappen:  fools
9ackertrappen:  boor, yokel
10helt vergut:  pardon, that is, all this crazy conduct will be forgiven today because it is shrovetide
11vasnacht:  literally means ‘Lent’s Eve,’ that is, Shrove Tuesday («mardi gras»!)
12not much time is spent in church
14shrovetide can also make you laugh at all its foolery
15Karfreitag:  Good Friday
16anyone behaving like this on Good Friday would be doused with urine
17Wenn:  for
18palmtag:  Palm Sunday
19gut aufnemen:  accept favorably
20even if our performance might turn out to be rather coarse
21many will lose their common sense today
22so that one can make a cooperative fool of him
23laß wir anstan:  we will push aside
24ll. 43f.:  we are a bunch of well-travelled fellows with lots of experience
25each one of them
26The following represents the introduction of the cast, all with names or handicaps that are intended to make the audience snicker knowingly.  "Trewetzen" suggests a place name of whose ludicrous implication we are no longer aware; the same holds true of "Kunz von Trawin" and "Herman Hans von Trimatei," obviously a name mocking the practice of noblemen of carrying several distinctive names;  also "von" used in the names of these bawdy characters as well as the fact that practically all the names are tongue twisters—probably enunciated with labored grimaces—certainly are intended to mock people of noble heritage.  "Metze" is a nickname for Margarete, here  the meaning is  ‘whore.’  "Gundelwein von Tribilant" or "Tribetant" suggest persons who idle their time away, probably in taverns;  "Rubenschlunt von Safferei" fittingly describes the name’s owner as a drunkard of some proportion. "Fullendrussel Wissmirdasgeseß" is self-explanatory:  he is both a glutton and as a result often caught with his pants down. "Piersieder von dem Gefreß" suggests a brewer who also enjoys stuffing himself.  We can already anticipate what sort of stories they will have to tell.
27The play dates from the middle of the fifteenth century and the reference here simply mocks the idea of a knight with a lame hand;  it could not have been intended to ridicule the legendary Götz von Berlichingen «mit der eisernen Faust» who was not born until 1480.
28went to a lot of trouble
29fladen:  cow chips
30puchen:  bake
31maier:  tenant farmer
32als ein padhuetlein:  the size of a bathing cap
33those will still your hunger
34susse:  liquid excrement
35gut fur die schusse:  will cure your lumbago («Hexenschuß»)
36driokes:  Theriak, a medieval poison antidote which was believed to prevent boils and other kinds of sores.
37who had fat dripping from his bottom
38he who is in danger of dying from coughing
39he looked like the cook down at the haymarket
40Notice the gross association of ‘one who wipes his mouth’ with the nobiliary name ‘Wipe-my-bottom.’
41sußleich:  sweetly
42winden:  ‘wind’
43feigenklauber:  collectors of horse droppings
44‘they are great for improving one’s voice’
45The ‘lady’ uses her urine to scrub ("fegen") the floors with.
46zwecht:  washes
47What is interesting about this ‘experiment’ is how they bleached (actually,  ‘make yellow’) and curled hair in the fifteenth century:  with sulfur and eggwhite.
48I watched a girl skin a hedgehog («Igel»)
49i.e. a condom
50The girl uses the rather smallish skin of a hedgehog to prevent suitors—here identified with the word "pruchmeise" which is a common word the male member—from entering through her bedroom window!
51This is an aside to the audience.
52bos zu schinten:  apparently somebody objects, saying that  hedgehogs are ‘difficult to skin.’
53tocken:  doll
54rocken:  spinning room, a favorite place for young men to ogle and socialize with  girls
55tun mir zilen:  have designs on me
56The true meaning of  "tocken" is clear now as both daughter and mother vie for the young man’s sexual favors.
57faige haut:  confounded wench
58kurzweil:   now that the ‘show’ is over the «Vorläufer» bids farewell to the innkeeper—plays such as these were almost always performed in inns—and the audience.
59Pardon us for our foolery
60Erlestegen:  name of a place
61tauben etlein:  deaf old man