Recommendation for Resident Assistant 2015-2016

Recommender Information:

Title (Mr., Ms., Rev, Dr., etc.):
Street Address:
City, State, Zip: , ,

Applicant Information:

Applicant's First Name:
Applicant's Last Name:
Applicant's Email:
Applicant's NetID:

I have know the applicant for a period of years, months, in my position as .

Residential Life is seeking mature persons for positions of leadership as Resident Assistants in our residence facilities.  The community living experience of residence life is a strong and valued tradition of student life at Notre Dame; in fact, it is considered a “hallmark” of the University. We are interested in hiring Resident Assistants who are willing and able to assist the head staff of a residence hall create an environment where students can live and develop as members of an academic community. The Resident Assistant is asked to be a minister, educator, and professional to students who are the same age. We are looking for students who can balance these roles along with their own personal academics.

You would be of assistance in the selection process if you would carefully consider the ability of this applicant has to fulfill the expectations listed above.

NOTE CAREFULLY:  Please be advised that the University, on occasion, uses peer evaluators in the selection process.  These persons are fully aware of the confidential nature of your comments.  Residential Life deeply appreciates your assistance in providing this recommendation.

The applicant may have waived his/her right to view this recommendation. Please contact Residential Life at (574) 631-2553 for more information.

Student Rating:
Comparing this student with others you have known, evaluate the applicant for each of the following characteristics

N/A - No basis for Judgment, 1- Low, 5 -High

Respect of Peers
Resistance to Peer Pressure
Emotional Maturity
Proven Leadership Ability
Ability to Work with Others
Ability to Set and Follow Goals
Observable Religious Motivation
Ability to Organize Time
Industriousness in Academics

Please describe how you have observed the applicant demonstrate the qualities listed above:

Any additional comments about the applicant you would like to add: