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Editable->False]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(f[x_]\ = \ \((x^2 - 1)\)/\((x^2 + 1 - 2\ x\ Cos[\[Phi]])\)\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(\(-1\) + x\^2\)\/\(1 + x\^2 - 2\ x\ Cos[\[Phi]]\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Plot[{f[2], f[4]}, {\[Phi], 0, 2\ \[Pi]}, AxesLabel \[Rule] \ {"\<\[Phi](radians)\>", "\<\>"}, PlotStyle \[Rule] \ {Thickness[0.01], {Thickness[0.01], Dashing[{0.05, 0.03}]}}, TextStyle \[Rule] {FontFamily \[Rule] "\", FontSize \[Rule] 12}, PlotLabel \[Rule] \ "\<\[Sigma] [solid R/b=2; dashed R/b=4]\>"]\)], \ "Input"], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.0238095 0.151576 0.0147151 0.196201 [ [.17539 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def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (1) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .32696 .01472 m .32696 .02097 L s gsave .32696 .00222 -66 -21 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (2) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .47854 .01472 m .47854 .02097 L s gsave .47854 .00222 -66 -21 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (3) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .63011 .01472 m .63011 .02097 L s gsave .63011 .00222 -66 -21 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (4) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .78169 .01472 m .78169 .02097 L s gsave .78169 .00222 -66 -21 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (5) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .93327 .01472 m .93327 .02097 L s gsave .93327 .00222 -66 -21 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (6) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .125 Mabswid .05412 .01472 m .05412 .01847 L s .08444 .01472 m .08444 .01847 L s .11476 .01472 m .11476 .01847 L s .14507 .01472 m .14507 .01847 L s .2057 .01472 m .2057 .01847 L s .23602 .01472 m .23602 .01847 L s .26633 .01472 m .26633 .01847 L s .29665 .01472 m .29665 .01847 L s .35728 .01472 m .35728 .01847 L s .38759 .01472 m .38759 .01847 L s .41791 .01472 m .41791 .01847 L s .44822 .01472 m .44822 .01847 L s .50885 .01472 m .50885 .01847 L s .53917 .01472 m .53917 .01847 L s .56948 .01472 m .56948 .01847 L s .5998 .01472 m .5998 .01847 L s .66043 .01472 m .66043 .01847 L s .69074 .01472 m .69074 .01847 L s .72106 .01472 m .72106 .01847 L s .75138 .01472 m .75138 .01847 L s .81201 .01472 m .81201 .01847 L s .84232 .01472 m .84232 .01847 L s .87264 .01472 m .87264 .01847 L s .90295 .01472 m .90295 .01847 L s .96358 .01472 m .96358 .01847 L s .9939 .01472 m .9939 .01847 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .01472 m 1 .01472 L s gsave 1.025 .01472 -61 -12.5 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding WindowsANSIEncoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman %%BeginResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman /Times-Roman-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica1 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica1 /Mathematica1 findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (f) show %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica2 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica2 /Mathematica2 findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 70.000 17.000 moveto (H) show 74.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (radians) show %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica2 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica2 /Mathematica2 findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 108.000 17.000 moveto (L) show 112.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .02381 .11282 m .03006 .11282 L s gsave .01131 .11282 -80 -12.5 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (0.5) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .02381 .21092 m .03006 .21092 L s gsave .01131 .21092 -71 -12.5 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (1) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .02381 .30902 m .03006 .30902 L s gsave .01131 .30902 -80 -12.5 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (1.5) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .02381 .40712 m .03006 .40712 L s gsave .01131 .40712 -71 -12.5 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (2) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .02381 .50522 m .03006 .50522 L s gsave .01131 .50522 -80 -12.5 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (2.5) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .02381 .60332 m .03006 .60332 L s gsave .01131 .60332 -71 -12.5 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman /Times-Roman findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (3) show 1.000 setlinewidth grestore .125 Mabswid .02381 .03434 m .02756 .03434 L s .02381 .05396 m .02756 .05396 L s .02381 .07358 m .02756 .07358 L s .02381 .0932 m .02756 .0932 L s .02381 .13244 m .02756 .13244 L s .02381 .15206 m .02756 .15206 L s .02381 .17168 m .02756 .17168 L s .02381 .1913 m .02756 .1913 L s .02381 .23054 m .02756 .23054 L s .02381 .25016 m .02756 .25016 L s .02381 .26978 m .02756 .26978 L s .02381 .2894 m .02756 .2894 L s .02381 .32864 m .02756 .32864 L s .02381 .34826 m .02756 .34826 L s .02381 .36788 m .02756 .36788 L s .02381 .3875 m .02756 .3875 L s .02381 .42674 m .02756 .42674 L s .02381 .44636 m .02756 .44636 L s .02381 .46598 m .02756 .46598 L s .02381 .4856 m .02756 .4856 L s .02381 .52484 m .02756 .52484 L s .02381 .54446 m .02756 .54446 L s .02381 .56408 m .02756 .56408 L s .02381 .5837 m .02756 .5837 L s .25 Mabswid .02381 0 m .02381 .61803 L s gsave .5 .63053 -139.5 -4 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 25 translate 1 -1 scale /g { setgray} bind def /k { setcmykcolor} bind def /p { gsave} bind def /r { setrgbcolor} bind def /w { setlinewidth} bind def /C { curveto} bind def /F { fill} bind def /L { lineto} bind def /rL { rlineto} bind def /P { grestore} bind def /s { stroke} bind def /S { show} bind def /N {currentpoint 3 -1 roll show moveto} bind def /Msf { findfont exch scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont} bind def /m { moveto} bind def /Mr { rmoveto} bind def /Mx {currentpoint exch pop moveto} bind def /My {currentpoint pop exch moveto} bind def /X {0 rmoveto} bind def /Y {0 exch rmoveto} bind def /MISOfy { /newfontname exch def /oldfontname exch def oldfontname findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding WindowsANSIEncoding def currentdict end newfontname exch definefont pop } def 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman %%BeginResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%BeginFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman /Times-Roman-MISO MISOfy %%EndFont %%EndResource %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 0.000 0.000 rmoveto 63.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica1 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica1 /Mathematica1 findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (s) show %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica2 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica2 /Mathematica2 findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 74.000 17.000 moveto (@) show 78.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (solid) show 104.000 17.000 moveto (R) show %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica2 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica2 /Mathematica2 findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor 112.000 17.000 moveto (\\220) show 117.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO %%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO /Times-Roman-MISO findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 setrgbcolor (b) show 123.000 17.000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Mathematica1 %%IncludeFont: Mathematica1 /Mathematica1 findfont 12.000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000 0.000 0.000 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