Chapter 13, Table 1: Repeated Measures (Multivariate Approach) via SPSS Syntax


For the hypothetical data contained in Table 13.1, five participants were measured at two occasions. The question of interest is: “is there a difference between Time 1 and Time 2 scores?”


The analysis of the data proceeds as it did in Chapter 11 for the univariate approach to repeated measures. The difference here is that instead of examining the results of the univariate tests, we will be examining the results of the multivariate tests. Because the GLM procedure for repeated measures performs both the univariate and the multivariate approach to repeated measures, the analysis proceeds in the same way; the results of interest is what will differ.

Notice that the two levels of the repeated factor (time) are specified under GLM. Also notice that “2” is specified after time on the /WSFACTOR line, telling SPSS that there are two levels of the within subject factor for time.


At this point clicking Run and then All will yield the results of the analysis (given on page 626). Note that there are several analyses performed and output by default. The results of interest in this case are those given under the Multivariate Tests heading.