Unprofessional activities associated with Y2K.

Topic area Fraud / Unfair Business Dealings
Target audience Computer Science and engineering majors
Activity type Homework: Assigned reading and writing.
Time required 5 minutes inclass.
Attachments None
Additional materials Article:"Y2K bug spawns host of Cures", USA Today, August 6th, 1998, p.68.
Background needed to complete the assignment Knowledge of the Y2K bug, programming and access to a professional code of ethics.
References Maney Kevin, "Y2K bug spawns host of Cures", USA Today, August 6th, 1998, p.68.
Last modified August 1998

Students prepare a formal essay based on an article describing the many products being sold to fix the Y2K bug. Some of these do not work. Some companies will diasappear before they become liable.

Goals for the activity:
To make the students aware of the need for professional behavior.

Knowledge / skills / attitudes to be developed (behavioral objectives):
After completing this activity successfully students should be able to:

  1. Match up items in a code of professional practice to a given case of fraud.
  2. Extrapolate the effects on the profession of fraudulent behavior by some professionals.

Handout a copy of column. Ask students to read it and write a formal essay on it as homework. The essay should:

  1. Relate the idea of selling bad software to specific items in our code of ethics.
  2. Describe likely effects of producing and selling bad software on the profession as a whole.
Length: 1000 to 2000 words. No library work or bibliography needed.

Assessing outcomes:
Ask for a shorter essay on the topic of unprofessional activities associated with the Y2K problem in the final.

Additional remarks:
Can be used with any code of professional ethics.

Author contact information:
Dr. Richard J Botting
Phone: (909) 880-5327
Email: rbotting@wiley.csusb.edu
Home Page: http://www.csci.csusb.edu/dick

Page maintained by: kwb@csee.usf.edu