University of Notre Dame
Jacques Maritain Center   

Yves R. Simon Papers: Index

    45/11   f  Doctrine of the Soul" by Charles H. Kahn -

     6/07   F J. Maritain Course on the Problem of Knowledge in Kant 1922/01-05
     6/08   F J. Maritain on Kant [Notes by Simon]                   1928/03/03
     6/10   f  Extract on Kant by Eugene Babin
     6/11   F J Maritian on Kant                                     1958/10/28
     6/12   F Miscellaneous on Kant
    41/06   f  (Kant, Hegel) - Ideal

     6/09   F The Modern Schoolman "Kantianism and the Modern Mind"  1942/05

     6/27   F Karl Marx

    33/09   F General Sociology - Key Concepts

    22/15   F Kierkegaard

     8/16   F Diverse Kinds of Concepts
    20/19   f  on the Various Kinds of Distinctions)

    42/08   f  facultés de l' Ame - Klages

     1/14   F Analogy: Knowledge of God
     6/07   F J. Maritain Course on the Problem of Knowledge in Kant 1922/01-05
    12/05   F Love and Knowledge
    12/08   F Knowledge of Person Implied in Love
    14/21   F For the Critique of Historical Knowledge
    15/24   F Knowledge Depends on the Universal
    17/01   f  Course in Critique of Scientific Knowledge
    17/02   F Critique of Scientific Knowledge: Outlines of Part One
    17/03   F Critique of Scientific Knowledge: Outlines of 2 and 3
    17/06   F Chapter I: General Idea of Communicable Knowledge
    17/08   F Critique of Scientific Knowledge (Typed Copy)
    20/02   F Analysis, Synthesis, Holistic Knowledge
    21/07   F Metaphysics of Knowledge
    21/08   F Knowledge through Intellectual Connaturality           1956
    21/09   F Knowledge through Affective Connaturality              1956
    21/10   F Intentionality in St. Augustine. Intuitive Knowledge   1956
    21/14   F Ontology of Knowledge                                  1956
    21/18   F Ontology of Knowledge                                  1956
    21/19   F The Means of Knowledge - Ideas                         1956
    21/20   F General Metaphysics of Knowledge                       1949
    21/21   F Critique of Knowledge (Texts)
    21/22   F Metaphysics of Knowledge. Ontology of Knowledge. Lille 1932
    21/22   F Metaphysics of Knowledge. Ontology of Knowledge. Lille 1932
    28/20   f  Universality in the means of knowledge.
    30/11   F Knowledge of the Essences; The Problem of the Unity of
    35/04   F Synderesis - Practical Knowledge; Moral Philosophy
    48/14   f  General Metaphysics of Knowledge
    48/14   f  The Metaphysics of Knowledge

    19/22   F Things to be known beforehand
    19/26   f  better known than prior to cause of
    19/34   F First Principles Known by Induction

    34/08   F How the Human Reason Knows God

    15/20   F I. Scientific Methodology, Charles de Koninck
    15/21   F II. Scientific Methodology, C. de Koninck
    39/08   f  "Concept, Process, and Reality" de Koninck -

    46/11   f  from Ralph McInerny + Wm. A. Kozumplik

     6/33   F Anarchy: P. Kropotkin

    52/06   F Natural Law- Second Set- Mr. Kuic