%% The Twisted Cubic %% % Here are two methods to plot the twisted cubic, the parametric space % curve % % $$x(t)=t,\ y(t)=t^2,\ z(t)=t^3\,$$ % % where the parameter t goes from -2 to 2. %% % * Using *plot3* % %% % The first method uses the *plot3* command, which is the 3 dimensional % analogue of *plot*. The command *linspace(a,b,n)* generates % a vector with n equally spaced points between a and b, including a and b. % (The command *linspace(a,b)* is the same as *linspace(a,b,100)*.) t=linspace(-2,2,500); x=t; y=t.^2; z=t.^3; plot3(x,y,z), grid xlabel('x(t)=t') ylabel('y(t)=t^2') zlabel('z(t)=t^3') title('twisted cubic (t,t^2,t^3)') %% % * Using *ezplot3* % %% % The second method uses the *ezplot3* command, which is the 3 dimensional % analogue of *ezplot*. syms t ezplot3(t,t^2,t^3,[-2,2]) xlabel('x(t)=t') ylabel('y(t)=t^2') zlabel('z(t)=t^3') title('twisted cubic (t,t^2,t^3)') %% % * Using plot tools % %% % In the Tools menu for the plot, you can find Rotate 3D. If you % click on this you will be able to rotate the plot to see other views of % it. You can also click on the rotate button (just to the right of the % hand) on the toolbar of the plot to be able to rotate it.