%% Section 8.1 SIR model % The model is % % $$S'=-aSI,\quad I'=aSI-bI, \quad R'=bI.$$ % % If we take $a=b=1$, we can use *ode45* to solve and graph the components. % Let $x(1)=S,\ x(2)=I,\ x(3)=R$ so the system becomes $x'=f(t,x)$ where % $x=(x(1),x(2),x(3))^T$ and %% f = @(t,x) [-x(1)*x(2);x(1)*x(2)-x(2);x(2)] %% % We solve with $S(0)=4,\ I(0)=0.1,\ R(0)=0.$ and then plot the components % of the solution. [t,xa]=ode45(f,[0 6], [4 0.1 0]); plot(t,xa(:,1)) hold on plot(t,xa(:,2),'k') plot(t,xa(:,3),'r') hold off %% % The blue curve is the population which has not yet had the disease, the % black curve is the infected population and the red curve is the % population which has recovered. We've now reproduced Figure 1 in % Polking, Boggess and Arnold.