Discrete probablility simulations, Grinstead and Snell section 1.1

Nancy K. Stanton

code based in part on Peter Doyle's code


Random numbers in MATLAB

MATLAB has the command rand to generate random numbers between 0 and 1.

ans =


rand(1,n) will produce an $n$ component vector of random numbers, so to get 5 random numbers, I could give the command

ans =

    0.9649    0.1576    0.9706    0.9572    0.4854

To get a table of 20 random numbers like the one on p. 3 which has 5 rows of 4 numbers, I can give the command

ans =

    0.8003    0.9595    0.6787    0.1712
    0.1419    0.6557    0.7577    0.7060
    0.4218    0.0357    0.7431    0.0318
    0.9157    0.8491    0.3922    0.2769
    0.7922    0.9340    0.6555    0.0462

Simulating cointossing

I can simulate tossing a fair coin by generating a random number and calling it heads if it is less than 1/2 and tails if it is greater. The MATLAB function cointosses.m simulates this. To see how it works, I can give the command doc cointosses which will pop up the help for the command in a separate window.

doc cointosses

So, if I want to toss a fair coin 20 times, I give the command

The result of tossing a coin 20 times is HTTHTHHHTTHHHTTTHTTH
The proportion of heads is 0.5

To see the code, I can give the command

type cointosses
function cointosses(n,p)

% cointosses(n,p) simulates tossing a coin n times, with probability p of heads

A = 0;
heads = 0;

for i=1:n
    if rand<=p 
    A = [A,'H'];
    heads = heads+1;
    else A = [A,'T'];
disp(['The result of tossing a coin ', num2str(n) ' times is ', num2str(A(1,2:n+1))])
disp(['The proportion of heads is ', num2str(heads/n)])



Let's see what happens if we toss the coin 1000 times and repeat this a 5 times. We probably don't want to list all 1000 outcomes, just the proportion, which we can do with cointosses2 which is the same as cointosses except that it only displays the proportion of heads.

The proportion of heads is 0.516
The proportion of heads is 0.482
The proportion of heads is 0.479
The proportion of heads is 0.481
The proportion of heads is 0.505

de Mere's first experiment

Is it reasonable to think that in 4 rolls of a die a 6 will turn up? The command demere1(n) simulates this experiment n times.

The proportion of trials with a 6 in the first 4 rolls is 0.51
The proportion of trials with a 6 in the first 4 rolls is 0.514
The proportion of trials with a 6 in the first 4 rolls is 0.497
The proportion of trials with a 6 in the first 4 rolls is 0.525
The proportion of trials with a 6 in the first 4 rolls is 0.515

de Mere's second experiment

We'll try this 5 times with 10000 trials, 24 rolls per trial.

The proportion of trials with a double 6 in the first 24 is 0.4974
The proportion of trials with a double 6 in the first 24 is 0.4781
The proportion of trials with a double 6 in the first 24 is 0.4847
The proportion of trials with a double 6 in the first 24 is 0.4999
The proportion of trials with a double 6 in the first 24 is 0.4869

Now we'll do it with 25 rolls, which is the default for demere2.

The proportion of trials with a double 6 in the first 25 is 0.5059
The proportion of trials with a double 6 in the first 25 is 0.502
The proportion of trials with a double 6 in the first 25 is 0.4994
The proportion of trials with a double 6 in the first 25 is 0.5037
The proportion of trials with a double 6 in the first 25 is 0.506

The commands cointosses, cointosses2, demere1 and demere2 are not built-in MATLAB commands, so if you want to use them, you'll have to download the m-files and put them in your MATLAB path.