




All application materials must be received by the stated deadline.  Only US citizens currently enrolled in an undergraduate program are eligible. 

* Up to 6 Anthropology credits are

   available (ANTH 45818).  Awardees

   interested in taking the course

   for credit must apply directly to

   the Summer Session. Funds from

                                  weekly living


                                  allotment can be

                                  directly billed to

                                  the University for

                                  this expense to

                                  avoid tax


Director  --


Director  --

Director  --


The Summer Undergraduate Research Program is supported by the National Science Foundation (SES-0097568; SES-0244096; SES-0649088; SES-1005158) and by numerous departments and institutes at the University of Notre Dame.   Special thanks to the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program and the Undergraduate Intellectual Initiative in the College of Arts & Letters at Notre Dame.

Fellowship Stipends

Each student will receive the following financial supplement:

  1. $400/week living expenses

  2. $400/month housing allowance

  3. Travel to/from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana (within the continental US)

  4. All field trip expenses

  5. Office supplies

  6. Text books, lab manual, xerox card

  7. University ID for library/computer access, and parking pass



Susan Sheridan, Ph.D  (sheridan.5@nd.edu)

(574) 631-7670  [office/lab]

Jaime Ullinger, PhD  (Ullinger@quinnipiac.edu)        

(203) 582-6428  [office] 

Lesley Gregoricka, PhD  (gregoricka.1@osu.edu)        

(989) 307-9213   [mobile] 


2012 NSF-REU Deadlines:
Contact Information

Department of Anthropology @ ND Facebook Group          [open to all interested in anthropology]

BioAnthropology News Group

[open to all interested in biological anthro]

NSF-REU in BioArchaeology @ ND Facebook Group

[restricted to participants]

Join Us on Facebook:

Drawn by Lesley Gregoricka, PhD


Application Receipt Date:

March 16, 2012

Finalist Acceptance Date:

April 6, 2012

1st Day of NSF-REU program:

May 28, 2012