* univar.do. * It is easier to enter data into the data editor, but for now * I will enter it using the input and end commands. clear input x 100 150 200 250 250 250 250 325 325 400 end label variable x "Weekly Income" * The summarize command gives basic summary stats. * The tabstat command offers more summary stats * The tab1 command gives frequencies. summarize x tabstat x, statistics( count mean median min max sd var sum ) tab1 x * The clear command will clear out the data. clear * Now, we will redo the problem using grouped data and the weight parameter. input x wgt 100 1 150 1 200 1 250 4 325 2 400 1 end label variable x "Weekly Income" * [fw = wgt] tells Stata to weight each case by the value of wgt. * Stata has several other weighting options which can be more powerful * and easier to use than SPSS. * fw stands for frequency weights. summarize x [fw = wgt] tabstat x [fweight=wgt ], statistics( count mean median min max sd var sum ) tab1 x [fw=wgt]