use, clear logit grade gpa tuce i.psi, nolog margins, dydx(*) atmeans margins psi, atmeans display .5632555 - .1067571 margins, at(gpa = (3.117188 4.117188)) atmeans display .8510027 - .2528205 margins, at(gpa = (3.117188 3.118188)) atmeans noatlegend display .2533547 - .2528205 * Appendix A: Compute AMEs manually webuse nhanes2f, clear * For convenience, keep only nonmissing cases keep if !missing(diabetes, female, age) clonevar xage = age sum xage gen xdelta = r(sd)/1000 logit diabetes i.female xage, nolog margins, dydx(xage) predict xage1 replace xage = xage + xdelta predict xage2 gen xme = (xage2 - xage1) / xdelta sum xme * Appendix B: Technical discussion use, clear logit grade gpa tuce psi, nolog adjust gpa tuce psi, pr mfx use, clear probit grade gpa tuce psi, nolog mfx * marginal change for GPA. The invnorm function gives us the Z-score for the stated * prob of success. The normalden function gives us the pdf value for that Z-score. display invnorm(.2658) display normalden(invnorm(.2658)) display normalden(invnorm(.2658)) * 1.62581 quietly probit grade gpa tuce i.psi, nolog margins, dydx(*) atmeans margins, dydx(*) use, clear reg income educ jobexp black margins, dydx(*) atmeans margins, dydx(*) reg income educ jobexp margins, dydx(*) reg income educ jobexp c.educ#c.educ margins, dydx(*)