version 13.1 use, clear * Date has been added to shuttle2.dta, but here is the command that created it. * gen date = mdy( month, day, year) ologit distress date temp * Compute the Z value predict z, xb * Get the predicted probabilities for each of the three possible outcomes. * Specify one var for each outcome predict none onetwo threeplus, p list flight temp date distress z none onetwo threeplus * Brant test brant, detail * gologit2 LR test (also BIC and AIC) quietly gologit2 distress date temp, npl sto(gologit) quietly gologit2 distress date temp, pl sto(ologit) lrtest gologit ologit, stats * gologit2 Wald test (with non-svy data) use, clear quietly gologit2 distress date temp test [#1 = #2] * Omodel test use, clear omodel logit distress date temp * oparallel tests, including BIC quietly ologit distress date temp oparallel, ic * Artificial example of mimrgns and ologit version 14.2 webuse mheart1s20, clear generate health = 4 - irecode(age, 45, 55 , 65) label define health 1 "poor" 2 "fair" 3 "good" 4 "excellent" label values health health tab1 health mi estimate: ologit health i.attack i.smokes bmi * Adjusted predictions for attack mimrgns attack, predict(default) * AMES for attack mimrgns, predict(default) dydx(attack) * gologit2 Wald test (with svy data) webuse nhanes2f, clear quietly svy: gologit2 health weight i.female age i.race, npl test [#1 = #2 = #3 = #4]