* open log file log using class_size_1.log, replace * open class_size_1, 420 observations from * california k-6 and k-8 schools * 6th grad test scores use ca_school_data_2 * get means of key variables sum average_score student_teacher esl_pct * get correlations between key variables corr average_score student_teacher esl_pct * run regression with one variable reg average_score student_teacher * run synthetic regression of esl_pct on * student_teacher reg esl_pct student_teacher * run multivariate regression reg average_score student_teacher esl_pct * demonstrate the partialing out * nature of mv regressions * run a regression of STR on ESL * output the residuals reg student_teacher esl * output residuals predict res_str, residual * run a regression of test scores * on the student_teacher residuals reg average_score res_str * close log file log close * see ya