use phillips_curve log using phillips_curve.log, replace * there are three variables in the data set * year * unemp (annual unemployment rate in %) * inflation (annual inflation rate in %) * The order of the time series * data must be specified by an * index. Here, we use year as the * index tsset year * run classical phillips curve reg inflation unemp * get durbin watson statistic estat dwatson * output residual predict resid_a, residual * lag the variable 1 period gen resid_a1=resid_a[_n-1] * estimate ar(1) term reg resid_a resid_a1, noconst *now estimate augmented Phillips Curve * construct difference in inflation gen inflation_1=inflation[_n-1] gen d_inf=inflation-inflation_1 reg d_inf unemp estat dwatson prais d_inf unemp, corc twostep log close