function [p0,err,P] = fixpt(g,p0,tol,max1) %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %FIXPT Fixed point iteration. % Sample calls % [p0,err] = fixpt('g',p0,tol,max1) % [p0,err,P] = fixpt('g',p0,tol,max1) % Return % g name of the function % p0 starting value % tol convergence tolerance % max1 maximum number of iterations % Return % p0 solution: the fixed point % err error estimate in the solution % P History vector of the iterations % % NUMERICAL METHODS: MATLAB Programs, (c) John H. Mathews 1995 % To accompany the text: % NUMERICAL METHODS for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, 2nd Ed, 1992 % Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 07632, U.S.A. % Prentice Hall, Inc.; USA, Canada, Mexico ISBN 0-13-624990-6 % Prentice Hall, International Editions: ISBN 0-13-625047-5 % This free software is compliments of the author. % E-mail address: in%"" % % Algorithm 2.1 (Fixed Point Iteration). % Section 2.1, Iteration for Solving x = g(x), Page 51 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- P(1) = p0; err = 1; relerr = 1; p1 = p0; for k=1:max1, p1 = feval(g,p0); err = abs(p1-p0); relerr = err/(abs(p1)+eps); if (err