Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

A. Descartes and Classical Philosophy

1. Continuities
2. Discontinuities

B. The Method

1. Mathematics as a paradigm
2. General rules for attaining intellectual virtue
3. Intellectual virtue and truth

C. The Provisional Morality

1. Three interpretations of the provisional morality
2. Three maxims

D. Execution of the method [parallel to Descartes' Meditations]

1. Seven steps: from metaphysical doubt to the foundations of natural science
2. Reprise: intellectual virtue and truth

A. Descartes and Classical Philosophy

B. The Method

C. The Provisional Morality

a. Straightforward: Eventually the method will put even morality and religion on a firm and indubitable foundation.

D. Execution of the method [parallel to Descartes' most famous book, Meditations on First Philosophy]

2. Reprise: Intellectual virtue and truth