In addition to the references in the text, instructors may wish to read or assign one or more of the foliowing:
1. "Bring Drugs within the Law" and "Drug Policy: the Enemy Within;" The Econom/st (May 1993), pp. 13-14 and 31.
2. Edwin J. DeLattre, "New Faces of Organized Crime," The American Enterprise 1 (May/June 1990), pp. 38-45.
3. Peter Kerr, "The Detoxing of Prisoner 88AO802," The New York Tunes Magazine (June 27, 1993), pp. 23-27 and 58-59.
4. Ethan A. Bodelman and David T. Courtwright, "Should We Legalize Drugs? History Answers," American Heritage (February 1993), pp. 41-48.
5. Edward J. Nell, "The Dynamics of the Drug Market," Challenge (March 1994), pp. 1321.
6. Robert P. Thomas, Economics: Pdncil~les andApplications, Chapter 5, "The Economics of the Public Sector" (Hillsdale, lll.: Dryden Press, 1990), pp. 174-223.
7. Timothy Tregarthen, 'q~he Drug War: Battling Supply and Demand,' The Marg/n 5 (January/February 1990), pp. 17-22.