JMC: Modern Freethought / by J. Gerard, SJ

Appendix III

Books That May Be Consulted

The New Materialism, by the Rev. E. Gaynor, C.M. (Dublin: Browne & Nolan.)

Origin of the Laws of Nature. Lord Grimthorpe.

Foundations of Belief Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour.

The Evidence of Things not Seen. J. A. Fleming, D.Sc., F.R.S. (S.P.C.K.)

Thoughts on Religion. G. J. Romanes.

L'attitude du Catholique devant la Science. George L. Fonsegrive.*

Certitudes Scientifiques et Certitudes Philosophiques. P. A. de la Barre.*

La Faillite du Malterialisme. (Three parts.) P. Courbet.*

L'Église et l'État laique. Bernard Gaudeau. (Lethielleux, Paris.)

* In the Series "Science et Religion," published by Bloud, Paris.

Also the following by the present Lecturer

The Old Riddle and the Newest Answer. (Longman.)

Science and Scientists. (Catholic Truth Society.)

Science or Romance. (Catholic Truth Society.)

Evolutionary Philosophy and Common-sense. (Catholic Truth Society.)

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