ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

120. Bibliography. -- Introductory, leading ideas are to he found in the opening pages of most general treatises (§ 3). De Wulf, La notion de la scolastique (Revue philosoph., June, 1902); Scholasticism Old and New, §§ 1-10 (Dublin, Gill; New York, Benziger, 1907), where the reader will find a fuller development of the ideas in the foregoing paragraphs, together with a complete bibliography. -- PICAVET, works referred to in footnotes, and also: La valeur de la scolastique (in the Bibliothèque du Congrès de Philos., t. iv., 1902); L'origine de La phil. scol, en France et en Allemagne (Biblioth. école htes. études, t.i., 1888); La Scolastique (R. internat. enseignement, April, 1893). We have referred to the author's views. -- FREUDENTHAL, Zur Beurtheilung d. Schol. (Archiv f. Geschichte d. Philos., iii., 1890). Somewhat vague.

JACQUIN and DE WULF, Discussion de la notion de la scolastique, in the Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, t. iv., 1904, pp. 429, 716. -- RICHARD, Étude critique sur le but et la nature de la scolastique (R. Thomiste, 1904). -- P. VON HOLTUM (in Philos. Jahrh., 1905, 5906), Sur rapports de philosophie et théologie, approximates to views in our text. -- DIEGO, Libéralisme philosophique (Études francisc., Oct., 1904). Confused. Replies of PÈRE HADELIN, Diego, and De Wulf, ibid., 1905. -- DEWEY, Scholasticism (in Baldwin's Dict. of Philos. and Psychol.). Weak. -- DELACROIX, La Philos. médiévale latine jusque'au XIVe siècle (Revue synth. histor., 1902). Revue bibliogr. génér. des ouvr. récents. -- LINDSAY, Scholastic and Medieval Philosophy (Arch. f. Gesch. d. Philos., 1901). Weak. -- BLANC, Introduction à la philosophie (in the Pensée contemporaine, 1904, 1906). Disputes our conclusions and makes scholasticism a harmony of reason with faith. -- RICKABY, Scholasticism (London, Constable, 1908). General sketch; borrows our views. -- J. L. PERRIER, The Revival of Scholastic Philosophy (New York, 1909, ch. i., viii.). Also adopts many of our views. -- MANSER, Ueber Umfang u. Charakter der mitteralterlichen Scholastik (Historisch-Politische Blätter, Bd. 139, 1907).

TALAMO, L'aristotelismo della scolastica, etc., 3rd edit., Siena, 1889. (French trans., 1876.) Good, though might be more methodic. -- SCHNEID, Aristoteles in der Scholastik (Eichstädt, 1875). -- CHOLLET, L'aristotélisme de la scolastique (in Vacant's Dictionn. de Théol. cath.). A general view in the light of recent works.

HUIT, a series of articles on Platonism in the Middle Ages in the Annales de la Philosophie chrétienne, New Series, t. 20-21. -- PICAVET, in his works, points to various influences other than Aristotelianism.

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