ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

148. Sources and Bibliography. -- The works of Fredegis (Migne, v. 105); De Nihilo et Tenebris, in the Monum. German., Epistolae Karolini Aevi, iii., 615. There is no complete edition of the works of Remi of Auxerre. V. Migne, vols. 131 and 117, among the works of Haymon. The Letters of Gerbert (983-997) have been published by M. Havet (Paris, 1889). Richer's History is published in the Monumenta Germaniae. (Dispute with Otric, III., lv.-lx.) Migne has published the works of Gerbert, V. 139; of Odo of Tournai, v. 160; and a poem of Eric of Auxerre, v. 129. Edit, of the Rhetorimachia of Anselmus Peripateticus, by Dümmler (1872). The Dicta Candidi in the Monum. German., Epist. Karol. Aevi, ii., 552 (1895).

COUSIN, Ouvrages inédits d'A bélard (Paris, 1839), Introduction. Opened the way for further research. LOEWE, Der Kampf zwischen Realismus und Nominalismus im Mittelalter (in Abhandl. d. k. bömischen Gesselsch. d. Wissensch., vi. F., Bd. viii., 1876): a valuable study. DE WULF, Le Problèpme des universaux ds. son évolut. histor. du IXme au XIIIme s. (in the Archiv f. Gesch. d. Phil., ix., 4, 1906). RICHTER, Wizo und Bruun, zwei Gelehrte im Zeitalter Karl d. Grossen, etc., Leipzig programme, 1890. ENDRES, Fridugisius und Candidus (Philos. Jahrh., xix., 4, 1906): a good monograph. WILLMANN, Geschichte d. Idealismus, ii., §§ 69 and 70. PICAVET Gerbert, un pape Philosophe, d'après l'histoire et d'aprés la légende (Paris, 1897) good; Roscelin, théologien et Philosophe (Paris, 1896). See our analysis in the Revue Néo-scolastique, 1898, p. 75. S. BARACH, Zur Geschichte d. Nominalismus von Roscelin, 1866. ADLHOCH, Roscelin u. S. Anselm (Philos. Jahrh., Bd. xx., h. 4, 1907). Completes our interpretation of the pseudo-Nominalism of Roscelin. G. CANELLA, Per lo Studio del Problema d. universali nella scolastica (La scuola cattolica, 1904-1907): generalities. REINERS, Der Aristotel. Realismus in der Frühscholastik (Em. Beitrag z. Gesch. d. Universalenfrage im Mittelalter, Aachen, 1907): good. BUONAIUTI, Un filosofo della con tingenza nel Sec. XI. Roscelino (Revista storico-crit. d. science theol., 1908). ENDRES, Die Dialektiker und ihre Gegner im 11 Jahrh. (Philos. Jahrh., 1906).

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