ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

205. Bibliography. -- A. ENDRES, Honorius Augustodunensis. Beitrag zur Geschichte des geistigen Lebens im 12 Jahrh. (München, 1906). Collects materials for history of this hitherto little-known personage. On his separate works, see numerous monographs of J. KELLE, 1901-1906, in the Setzungsber. der K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Wien. Philos.-histor. Klasse. VACANDARD, Vie de S. Bernard, abbé de Clairvaux, Paris, 1895, 2 vols. Good. A. MIGNON, Les Origines de la scolastique et Hugues de S. Victor. Good. Quite a number of unauthentic works were circulated in the Middle Ages as writings of Hugh. Cf. HAURÉU, Les oeuvres de Hugues de S. Victor, 1886, and Not. et Extr., etc., passim. J. KILGENSTEIN, Die Gotteslehre d. Hugo von St. Victor nebst einen einleitenden Untersuchung über Hugo's Leben und seine hervorragendsten Werke, Wurzburg, 1898. BUONAMICI, Riccardo da S. Vittore, sagi di studio sulla filosofia mistica del sec. XII, Alatri, 1898.

For works of Hugh of St. Victor, see Migne, t. 175-177. For those of Richard, t. 194. For works of St. Bernard, see Mabillon's edition, 1696.

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