ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

237. Sources and Bibliography. -- QUETIF-ECHARD, 124. DENIFLE, Quellen zur Gelehrtengeschichte d. Predigerordens im 13 u. 14 Jahrh. (Arch. f. Litt. u. Kirchengesch. d. Mittel., ii., pp. 165 sqq.). MANDONNET, De l'incorporat. des Dominic. ds. l'ancienne univ. de Paris (R. Thomiste, iv., 1896). Sketches the early struggles. DOUAIS, Essai sur l'organisation des études ds. l'ordre des Frères-Prècheurs (Paris, 1884). Good, clear and full. WADDING, Scriptores O. M. (Romae, 1600). With supplement of SBARAGLEA (Romae, 1806), annalist of Franciscans: needs revision. An "Archivum Franciscanum Historicum" has been published at Quaracchi since 1908. EHRLE, Die Spiritualen, ihr Verhältniss a. Franziskanerorden u. zu d. Fraticellen, in the Arch. f. Litt. u. Kirchengesch. d. Mitt., i., ii., iii., iv. Same author: Die altesten Redactionen d. Generalconstitutionen d. Fransiskanerordens, ibid., vi., 1 and 86. SABATIER, Collect. de documts. pr. l'hist. rélig. et litt. du m. âge (Paris, 1898-1902: 4 vols.). DE MARTIGNÉ, La scolastique et les traditions franciscaines (1888). Studies carefully the two doctrinal tendencies in the order. Dr. P. H. FELDER, Gesch. d. wissenschaft. Studien in Franziskanerorden bis in die Mitte d. 13. Jahrh. (Fribourg, 1904). Utilizes all available documents: supplies a want in the history of ideas in the thirteenth century; many of its positions are much disputed. See SEPPELT in the Kirckengeschichtliche Abhandlungen of SDRALEK, Bd. iv. (Breslau, 1906). French tr. of Felder's work by Eusebius, Bar le Duc (Paris, 1908). DENIFLE, Quellen zur Gelehrteisgesch. d. Carmelitenordens im 13 u. 14 Jahrh., in the Archiv f. Litt., etc., v, 349; the historical works of Denifle and Ebrie are of the highest value. Numerous disconnected informations on the colleges will be found in FERET'S work mentioned above 125, 5). There is in MS. a treatise of CLAUDIUS HEMERIUS, Sorbonae origines, disciplina et viri illustres (Bibl. Nat. lat., n. 5493), and also an anonymous MS. tract: Domus Sorbonae historia (Bibl. Arsenal, Paris, nn. 1020, 1021). FRANKLIN, La Sorbonne, ses origines, etc. (1875). F. CHAMBON, R. de Sorbon (1903). Full bibliography; gives life and publishes with notes the De Conscientia and the De Tribus Dietis.

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