ND   JMC : History of Medieval Philosophy / by Maurice De Wulf

271. Sources and Bibliography. -- The edition of Albert's works by the Dominican, Jammy, comprises 21 folio volumes (Lyons, 1657). Reprinted by Borgnet from 1890 onward (36 vols.). Neither of these editions is critical, and the authenticity of the various works is not fully established. Edition of the De Quindecem Problematibus in Mandonnet, op. cit., 345. Biography: DE LOË, De vita et scriptis B. Alberti Magni, in the Anal. Bollandiana, v. 19, p. 257, and v. 20, p. 273: an enumeration of all ancient sources relative to the life of Albert from fourteenth to sixteenth century; edits an unpublished life of 1483; a brief record of the regesta of Albert, very complete. Those documents form the preambula to the life of Albert which the Bollandists are to publish. Utilizing those data, MICHAËL, Gesch. d. deutschen Volkes während des xiii. Jahrh., gives a detailed biography of Albert, in which he takes up and completes an article of the Zeitsch. f. Kath. Theol. (v. 25, 1901, pp. 37 and 181). G. VON HERTLING, Alb. Magnus, an oration (Bonn, 1880); VAN WEDDINGEN, A. le Grand, maître de Thomas d'Aquin (Brussels, 1881). These two pamphlets contain general considerations. WEISS, Primordia Novae Bibliographiae Beati Alberti Magni (Paris, 2nd edit.). So also MANDONNET'S article in the Dictionn. Théol. Cath. SCHNEIDER, Die Psychologie Alberts d. Grossen nach d. Quellen dargestelit, i. and ii. (Beitr. z. Gesch. Phil. Mitt., 1903 and 1906): an excellent monograph; studies the peripatetic, the Neo-Platonic and the Augustinian elements. MANSION, L'Induction chez A. le Grand (R. Néo-Scol., 1906).

M. GRABMANN, Studien ü. Ulrich von Strassburg, I. Leben ü. Personlichkeit U. v. S. (Zeitsch. f. Kath. Theol., 1905). Announces that Prof. Müller of Strassburg is preparing a critical edition of the Summa.

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