Jacques Maritain Center

St. Thomas Aquinas and Medieval Philosophy: Bibliography

Alzog, Church History (Cincinnati, 1878).

Catholic Encylopedia, s.vv. Abelard; Albertus Magnus; Anselm; Neo-Scholasticism; Philosophy; Roger Bacon; Scholasticism; Summae; Thomas Aquinas, Saint; Thomism.

Berthier, Tabulae systematicae et synopticae totius summae theologiae (Fribourg, 1893); Tabulae systematicae et synopticae totius summae contra gentiles (Paris, 1900); L'étude de la Somme th&ecute;ologique de S. Thomas d'Aquin (Paris, 1906).

Conway, St. Thomas Aquinas (New York, 1911).

Denzinger, Enchiridion (Freiburg, 1908).

De Wulf, Scholasticism Old and New. An introduction to Neo-Scholastic Philosophy (Dublin, 1907).

Dominican Fathers of the English Province, The Summa of St. Thomas literally translated (New York, 1911).

Drane, Christian Schools and Scholars (London, 1881).

Gonzales, Historia de la Filosofia (Madrid, 1879; French tr. Paris, 1890).

Hill, Introduction to Philosophy (Baltimore, 1877).

Humboldt, Cosmos, a sketch of a physical description of the universe (New York, 1850).

Kavanaugh, The Life of St Thomas Aquinas (London, 1890).

Leo XIII, Encyclical AEterni Patris in The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII (New York, 1903).

Mandonnet, Des écrits authentiques de S. Thomas d'Aquin (Fribourg, 1910); Siger de Brabant (Louvain, 1911).

O'Neill, New Things and Old in St. Thomas Aquinas (London, 1909).

Pègues, Commentaire français littéral de la Somme Théologique de S. Thomas d'Aquin (Paris, 1907).

Perrier, The Revival of Scholastic Philosophy (New York, 1909).

Pius X, Encyclical "Pascendi dominici gregis" (1907); Decree "Sacorum Antistitum" (1910); Motu proprio "Doctoris Angelici" (1914).

Sertillanges, S. Thomas d'Aquin (Paris, 1910).

Sighart, Albert the Great, His Life and Scholastic Labors (London, 1876).

Turner, History of Philosophy (Boston, 1903).

Vallet, Histoire de la Philosophie (Paris, 1886).

Vaughan, Life and Labours of St. Thomas of Aquin (London, 1871).

Walsh, The Popes and Science (New York, 1911).

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