The USS Yorktown is a guided missile cruiser, and the first in the Navy to be outfitted with so-called SmartShip technology, which would allow reducing crew levels by computerizing many ship functions. (This is reminiscent of the Starship Enterprise's ill-fated encounter with Dr. Daystrom and the M-5 Multitronic computer system in "The Ultimate Computer" episode of the original Star Trek series.) In September of 1997, the Yorktown suffered a complete propulsion system failure and was dead in water for about two hours and 45 minutes. The subsequent investigation determined that "the Yorktown lost control of its propulsion system because its computers were unable to divide by the number zero." Apparently a crew member entered a zero into a field of some application program, leading to a complete crash of the system and leaving the ship dead in the water.

Now if I write a computer program, run it on the Unix workstation in my office, and it mistakenly divides by zero, about the worst that will happen is that the program will stop and I will see some message on my monitor saying "overflow error." It will not lead to a complete shut down of every computer on the Notre Dame campus network—which is the analog of what happened on the Yorktown. There is still some controversy about why this seemingly simple error could have such severe consequences, but a popular theory attributes it to the use of the Windows NT operating system. A report from the Atlantic Technical Fleet Support Center concluded that "Using Windows NT ... on a warship is similar to hoping that luck will be in our favor."