Postdoctoral/Visiting Scientists
Ravi Subramanian received
the 2004 William D. Manly Award
for excellence in materials
research for his thesis work conducted at
Radiation Laboratory. This award is presented by the College of Engineering. Ravi has
joined the Chem. Eng. Faculty at Univ. Nevada (Reno Campus). (Thesis Title;
and photocatalytic aspects of semiconductor-metal Nanocomposites.)
Roxana Nicolaescu who defended her Ph.
D. thesis 2004 summer has joined as a Scientist at Serim Research
Corporation, Elkhart. (Thesis
Title Radical
Oxidative transformations
of N-Heterocyclic Compounds)
Robel who defended his thesis in October 2006 has joined as a
postdosctoral research associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Brian Seger defended his thesis in June 2009
Congratulations to Patrick Brown -Recipient of
2008 Norbert Wiech award.
Reesearch Group
- Undergraduate Students
- Douglas Pernik (CBE, UND) -Slatt Fellow
- Ryan P. Dwyer (Chemistry, UND)
- Sarah Schubert (Chemistry, UND)
- Peter Lobaccaro (CBE, UND)
- Tim Schumer (CBE, UND)
- Susan Garabedian (CBE, UND)
- Graduate Students
- David Baker (Chem. Eng.)
- Matt Becker (Physics - coadv. Bruce Bunker)

- Clifton Harris (Chemistry)
- Sachi Krishnamurthy (Chemistry)
- Ian Lightcap (Chemistry)
- Ben Meekins (Chem. Eng.)
- Sean Murphy (Chemistry - coadv. Libai Huang)
- James Radich (Chem. Eng.)
- Kevin Tvrdy (Chemistry)
- Jeff Christians (Chem. Eng.)
- Postdoctoral Researchers/visiting Scientists
- Visiting Scientists
- K. Vinodgopal (U. North Carolina)
- Julie Peller (Indiana University,
- Roxana Nicolaescu
Summer 2008
Research Collaborators (U. of
Notre Dame)
Collaborators (External)
- Prof
Imahori, Kyoto Univ.
(Porphyrin based molecular clusters)
- Drs. K. George
Thomas , RRL, Trivandrum (Chromophore functionalized nanoparticles)
- Dr.
K. Vinodgopal, Indiana U., N. W. (Fuel Cells and Sonolysis)
- Prof. Kevin
O'Shea, Florida
International University (Environmental Remediation)
- Prof. Franz Grieser and Prof. Ashokkumar, University of Melbourne
Coworkers (Past )
- Rafil Basheer, Nimmi Chandrasekharan,
Suresh Das, Nada Dimitrijevic, Bill Ford, K. George Thomas, K. R.
Gopidas, Hong Lee, Zeena
S.Pillai, A. Samanta, Raul Suarez; Girish Kumar, T. Hirakawa, M. Hirakawa, T. Hasobe; Theodoros Triantis (Greece); P. K. Sudeep, G. Girish Kumar, Anusorn Kongkanand, Sandy Moisan,
- Jin Ho Bang (2008-10), Alexsandra Wojcik (2008-10), Vidya Chakrapani (2009-10)
- D. Liu, Julie
Stafford, Dan Schmelling, Vaidyanathan
(Ravi) Subramanian, Ben Merit
(Chemistry);Istvan Robel
(Physics) (Graduate Students, U. Notre Dame), Brian Seger (2009), Yanghai Yu (2010)
- Ali Khazraji, Idriss Bedja, Chouhaid
Nasr , Said Barazzouk (Graduate Students, U. Quebec 2006);
- Taku Hasobe
(Graduate Student Osaka University 2005);
- H. Kikuchi
(Osaka Prefecture Univ.), Hiroaki
Fujiwara, (U. of Osaka), Adam
Zacheis (Northwestern); Taku
Hasobe (Osaka Univ), Kenji Saito (Osaka Univ.); Ken-ichi Matsuoka
(Kyushu Univ. JSPS April-Nov 2010), Azusa Takai (Waseda Univ.-JSPS
March-Nov 2010)
- Undergraduate Students: Sohaib Hashmi(Fal07-Spring08), Peter Lobaccaro (U. of Notre Dame Fall 2008) Ailette Aguila, Robin Dahlgren,
R. Kennedy, Robert Sever, Genevieve Sauve, Matt
Rettker (Summer-Fall 2004) Alice Geglio (Cornell Univ ), Ben Edquist (Indiana Univ. Northwest),
- Kaylie Young (REU student from Brown
Univ.summer 2005); Mariko Anderson (Indiana U. NWsummer 2005);Randy Orr (Indiana U. NW, summer 2005) Julia Edel (Summer REU)
- Byron De La Barre, Melisa Clements (Summer
2002), Amy
Dawson (Spring, Summer 2000), Rebecca Huehn
(Spring 2001); M. C. De Lind, Mark Flumiani, Matt Gevaert, Brian Keller David Kreller, Brian
Patrick, B.
Sanghavi, Paul Sant, Naomi Stock, Lori Ziolkowsky (U. Waterloo (Canada)
Co-Op students) Mehul Haria (Mc
U. Spring & Summer 2003) Kristine Drew (CoOp Student from Univ. of Waterloofall 2004, summer 2005); Ryan Muszynski (Sprin-Summer 2007) Grahm Williams (Spring 2008)
- Meghan Jebb (U. of Notre Dame), Lucy Summerville (U. of Notre Dame) Patrick Brown (U. of Notre Dame, 2007-2009)
- Visiying Scientis: Kensuke Takechi (Toyota Centeral
R&D, Nagoya) Taicheng An (Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, China, Felix Vietmeyer (Univ. Bielefeld, Germany-Spring Simmer 2006, summer 2008) Yun Hau Ng (Summer 2008) Marius Koch ( Univ. Bielefeld, Germany-Spring Simmer 2008)