Asian / Pacific / American Community (APAC)



The calendar below is a student initiative to consolidate information on all Notre Dame events pertaining to Asia, Asians, and Asian-Pacific Islander Americans.  This includes, but is not limited to, the activities and programming of...


*student cultural organizations

*Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) of the Student Senate
*Multicultural Student Programs & Services (MSPS)
*Asian Pacific Alumni of Notre Dame
*Campus Ministry - Cross-Cultural Ministry
*Residence Hall Multicultural Commissioners
*Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures
*Student Union Board (SUB) - Cultural Arts Programming
*Center for Asian Studies

Maintaining this resource is a responsibility shared by the Asian American Association, Asian International Society, Chinese Culture Society, and Filipino American Student Organization.  Events sponsored by bodies not counted among the aforementioned contributing editors are included on the calendar as we learn of them.