Upcoming Events

Fri 08/29 - Sat 08/30

- Campus Ministry Asian American Freshman Retreat

Tues 09/01

- Activities Night

9pm, JACC


- General Meeting


- InFocus: Asian Americans & Politics

Fri 11/14 & Sat 11/15

- Asian Allure


Election Format


Saturday, March 8

By this date, candidates will have submitted the online candidacy form.  You can enter up to two races.

Members must pay dues by this date in order to vote in the election.


Town Hall Meeting

Friday, March 14, CoMo Lounge

6:00 pm Pizza dinner

Check off name on attendance sheet.


6:30 pm Elections

We will go through the offices one by one, and each candidate may speak for up to 5 minutes. Candidate order will be determined at random.

If candidate is running for two offices, second speech should just be a minute addressing qualifications for second position, not reiterating general officer qualifciations.



Electorate is allowed to ask questions of the candidates.


Fill out whole ballot at the end of all speeches and turn it in as you leave. We will tally the votes and announce the new officers later that night via email.



Rules for Winning Office

President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary need a majority vote to win.  If no candidate receives a majority, there will be a run-off between the top two vote-getters.  The run-off will be conducted via email the following day from 6:00 am - 8:00 pm.


If, after the run-off, a candidate has still yet to gain the support of a majority of the electorate (this would occur if a sufficient number of voters would choose to abstain in a run-off), then that office will be considered vacant.  According to the constitution, the board gets to decide what to do with that empty spot.  The old officers may choose to leave the post vacant for the time being, or they may decide to break the stalemate by choosing one of the two candidates.  If an old officer is one of the candidates under consideration, then he/she cannot participate in the decision.


Historian, PR, Spiritual, and Service only need a plurality to win.

You may vote for up to two candidates in the PR race.  The PR office will be given to the first and second place finishers.


If someone wins two offices, he/she will be given the office that they indicated as "preferred" on their candidacy form.  The 2nd place finisher will be given the other spot.


If someone wins an office but is only going to be here one semester, the second place finisher will serve the semester he/she is not here.