Math 30820 Honors Algebra IV (Spring 2020)
Modules, Fields, Galois Theory


Instructor: Andrei Jorza

Office: Hurley 275

Email: ajorza

Lectures: MWF 10:30 - 11:20 pm Pasquerilla 116

Office Hours: TBA, Hurley 275

Grader: Enhao Feng (efeng)

Course Description

Course description: This course is a continuation of Math 30810 and will cover modules over rings, fields and Galois theory. The textbook for the course is Artin, Algebra, 2nd edition (ISBN 9780132413770).

Homework: There will be weekly problem sets. You are free and encouraged to collaborate with other students in the class in solving the problems, but you must write up all your solutions on your own.

Exams: There will be take-home midterm exams and a take-home final exam.

Final grade:The final grade will be computed as a weighted average: 40% homework, 15% for each midterm, 30% final exam.



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