“An Introduction to Comparative Politics”
PolS 10400 01, Fall 2006
Professor A. James McAdams


1. S. Huntington, “The Hispanic Challenge,” Foreign Policy, March/April 2004.                          

2. Leon Kass, “The End of Courtship,” Public Interest, September 23, 2002.                                           

3. Black, Helmreich, English, and McAdams, Rebirth:  A History of Europe                                      
 since World War II (Westview, 2000), pp. 4-22.


4. J. S. Mill, "On Liberty," Selection of his Works (Odyssey, 1966), chap. 2.                                              

5. The Ward Churchill Controversy:  3 statements, including the infamous                                            
"Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens” (documents)

6. C. Stephenson, Medieval Feudalism (HarperCollins, 1972), pp. 15-39.                                      

7. M. Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Scribner's, 1958), chap. 5             

8. G. Fasel, Modern Europe in the Making (Dodd, Mead, 1974), pp. 3-35                                       

9. “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen,”                                                               
National Assembly of France, Aug. 26, 1789  (document)                                                               

10. Benito Mussolini, "The Doctrine of Fascism," in Readings on                                                 
Fascism and National Socialism (Swallow), pp. 7-24                                                                         

11. J. Steinhoff, P. Pechel, and D. Showalter, Voices from the Third Reich                                      
(Regnery Gateway, 1989), xxxiv, 19-21, 33-4                                                                                              

12.  Notre Dame Students vs. the Ku Klux Klan (document)                                                                     

13.  Elizabeth Christman, “The Story of Notre Dame,” selections, (Notre Dame archives).                     

14. The Michigan Militia, “In Defense of Liberty II” (document)                                                  

15. Paul Craig Roberts, “Government and Country” (document)


16. Joseph Stalin, The Foundations of Leninism (International Pubs.), excerpts                           

17. R. Tucker, The Marxian Revolutionary Idea (Norton), ch. 4                                                      

18. Josef Stalin, www.politicsprofessor.com/politicaltheorists/joseph-stalin.php                            

19. E. Ginzburg, Journey into the Whirlwind (CR) Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich   selections                    

20. Vaclav Havel, “The Power of the Powerless,” in Living in Truth
 (London, Faber and Faber, 1989)                                                                                         

21. Black, English, Helmreich, and McAdams, Rebirth:  A History of Europe (Westview, 2000),              
pp. 276-91

22. Timothy Colton and Michael McFaul, “Russian Democracy under Putin” Problems of Post-Communism (July-August 2003), pp. 12-21.


23. D. Eickelman, “Bin Laden, the Arab ‘Street’and the Middle East’s Democracy                                 
Deficit,” Current History, January 2002                                                                                                                                
24. Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden” (document)                                                     

25. M. Walker, “The Making of Modern Iraq,” Wilson Quarterly, Spring 2003, pp. 29-40           

26. G. Foster, "Peasant society and the image of the limited good,"
American Anthropologist, v. 65 (1965), pp. 295-315                                                                         

27. E. Linden, "The Exploding Cities and the Developing World,"
Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb. 1996                                                                                                         

28. Tina Rosenberg, Children of Cain (Penguin, 1991), selections                                               

29. P. Gourevitch, We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We will be Killed, pp. 15-24, 47-62                    

30. A. Baram, “Broken Promises,” Wilson Quarterly, Spring 2003, pp. 41-51                                           

31. S. de Gramont, "The transformation of moral idealism into violent revolution,"
in Tachau, Developing Nations, 197-210                                                                                          

32. Osama bin Laden, “Transcript of Speech,” Al Jazeera.com, November 1, 2004.                                 

33. P. Bergen and S. Pandey, “The Madrassa Myth,” New York Times, June 14, 2005.                

34. John Rapley, “The New Middle Ages,” Foreign Affairs (May-June 2006). pp. 95-103.                     

35. Samuel Huntington, “A new era in Democracy,” Journal of Democracy, Spring 1991.          

And us ….

36. Francis Fukuyama, "The End of History?" National Interest, Summer 1989, excerpts            

37. W. Pfaff, "Progress," World Policy Journal, Winter 1995/96, pp.41-9 (Pfaff is an ND grad)     

38. C. Orenstein, “Stepford is us,” New York Times, June 9, 2004.