<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Discussion4
Hegel's concept of love. These paragraphs are worth reading not simply in themselves but, moreover, because they demonstrate through one concrete example what Hegel means by the progress of Geist toward self-realization (bei sich selbst sein).

Philosophy of Right § 158
"The family, as the immediate substantiality of mind, is specifically
characterised by love, which is mind's feeling of its own unity. Hence
in a family, one's frame of mind is to have self-consciousness of
one's individuality within this unity as the absolute essence of
oneself, with the result that one is in it not as an independent
person but as a member."
"Addition: Love means in general terms the consciousness of my unity
with another, so that I am not in selfish isolation but win my
self-consciousness only as the renunciation of my independence and
through knowing myself as the unity of myself with another and of the
other with me. Love, however, is feeling, i.e. ethical life in the
form of something natural. In the state, feeling disappears; there we
are conscious of unity as law; there the content must be rational and
known to us. The first moment in love is that I do not wish to be a
self-subsistent and independent person and that, if I were, then I
would feel defective and incomplete. The second moment is that I find
myself in another person, that I count for something in the other,
while the other in turn comes to count for something in me. Love,
therefore, is the most tremendous contradiction; the Understanding
cannot resolve it since there is nothing more stubborn than this point
(Punktualität) of self-consciousness which is negated and which
nevertheless I ought to possess as affirmative. Love is at once the
propounding and the resolving of this contradiction. As the resolving
of it, love is unity of an ethical type."