The Students of POLS 487 Present:


Morality and the Internet :


Does Morality Have a Place in the New World of Virtual Reality?

Does the appearance of the above picture on our website constitute "theft" of intellecutual property, or is it simply the harmless utilization of "free information" available on the Internet? Perhaps more importantly, does it even matter? Welcome to the controversial realm of morality and the Internet.

The purpose of this web page is to provide a detailed look at the role morality plays on the Internet. With the emergence of ''Virtual Communities'', file sharing, child pornography, and the free exchange of ideas, the issue of whether morality is relevant or not has been the central focus of a growing debate throughout the Internet community.

In addition, This topic has implications for how future generations will regulate and utilize the vast forum of the Internet. We invite you to browse through our website and learn more about several of these controversial issues.


Please Click on the Following Links to Explore our Website:



Wondering how It all ties together? After you are done browsing the website, please click on the next link for some concluding ideas and potential implications of morality's role on the internet: