Math 30820: Honors Algebra IV, Spring 2022

Instructor: Professor Andrew Putman (
Time: MWF 10:30-11:20
Classroom: Bond Hall 114
Grades: Recorded on Sakai.
Grader: Ryan Lynch (
Office hours: MW 11:30-12:30 (or whenever I'm in my office -- just stop by!)

Syllabus: [pdf]
Homework uploader: [form]

Homework 1: [pdf] [solutions]
Homework 2: [pdf] [solutions]
Homework 3: [pdf] [solutions]
Homework 4: [pdf] [solutions]
Homework 5: [pdf] [solutions]
Homework 6: [pdf] [solutions]
Homework 7: [pdf] [solutions]
Homework 8: [pdf]
Homework 9: [pdf]

Anticipated Lecture Plan. This is subject to change as the semester progresses, but this should give you a sense as to what I will cover.