Math 10120: Finite Mathematics, Fall 2023 Homework Schedule

The homework is due on the following dates. The algorithm for choosing these dates is that they are the next class period after we finish a section except if that falls on a Friday, in which case it is Sunday. They are due at 2am the evening of their due date.

Warning: Technically 2am is the next day, so on the computer it will look if you're not paying attention like they are due one day after they are actually due. I recommend trying to get them in by midnight, viewing the subsequent two hours as a grace period.

You are allowed 5 submissions for each answer. You can submit question parts individually. When you wish to make a sumission, click Submit Answers. The system will show a check mark or an x to indicate whether your answer is correct or not. If your answer is incorrect, you should explore the help buttons before you resubmit. You should preview your homework well ahead of the due date so that you have time to get help if you need to. After 5 submissions, you will not be allowed to change your answers. You do not need to complete your homework or a question in one sitting. You may click Save Work if you wish to return to your work later.

In order to get acquainted with the system, please work through the ”Entering answers in EWA” assignment before Friday Jan 20. This assignment is not part of your grade, but you are expected to iron out any issues you have with the system by the end of week 1. Your three lowest homework grades will be dropped.

A webpage prepared by one of the previous instructors with tips on entering the homework is here.

Homework Schedule. Be warned that this is subject to change as the course progresses.