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 I was born in Moscow, USSR in 1959, got my University Diploma in Physics from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Low Temperature Division (MGU) in 1983, got my PhD in Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics from Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (USSR Academy of Sciences) in 1990. The title of my thesis was "Mesoscopic effects in hopping conductance of GaAs field-effect transistor"  (advisor  Dr.Sc. Alex Savchenko)

I spent a year in England working with, alas, late Alex Savchenko at the University of Exeter.

Since 1994 I live and work in the USA. In 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2015 I worked in Marc Sanquer group with Xavier Jehl at Institut Nanosciences et Cryogenie in Grenoble, France.  


From 2008 my title is Research Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame., PI and co-PI in several research projects. I work with several research groups led by Greg Snider, Wolfgang Porod, Gary Bernstein and Patrick Fay

My topics of research are experimental studies of nanostructures and nanodevices with main focus on experimental single electronics and nanomagnetics. This include various applications of single-electron devices (sensors, memories and logic), the use of SETs for material characterization; experimental studies of quantum-dot cellular automata (electronic, magnetic, and molecular); nanothermoelectrics and antenna-coupled nanothermoelectric devices and low energy (adiabatic reversible) computation.

Google Scholar citations page 

Research Gate page 

Linkedln page 

Our research blog 

Link to Snider's Research Group Homepage is here

DAAS - our 20 y.o. Data Acquisition and Analysis software for Windows  is available here (author - Greg Bazan)

New version 4.2 with many bugs killed (hopefully not too many added) and new features and instruments is available upon request.

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This site was last updated 08/04/2015