Fischer convention for assigning the enantiomers of glyceraldehyde
Configuration of L-glyceraldehyde and L-a-amino acids
The structural formula of L-glyceraldehyde
PPT Slide
Greek lettering scheme used to identify the atoms in the glutamyl and lysyl sidechains
Structure of cystine: redox chemistry
Titration curve of glycine
Amino acid analysis via HPLC
Condensation of two a-amino acids to form a dipeptide
Structure of the tetrapeptide, Ala-Tyr-Asp-Gly
Titration curves of ribonuclease A at 25 °C
Views of ethanol: prochirality
Uncommon amino acids that are components of certain proteins
Biologically produced derivatives of “standard” amino acids and amino acids that are not components of proteins
Enantiomers of fluorochlorobromomethane
General structural formula for a-amino acids
Zwitterionic form of the a-amino acids that occur at physiological pH values
The structural formula of L-alanine
“CORN crib” mnemonic for the “handedness” of L-amino acids
Fischer projections of L-threonine stereoisomers
Newman projections of the stereoisomers of threonine and isoleucine derived from proteins
Schematic diagram of a polarimeter
Structure of phenylalanine: ball-and-stick representation
Structure of phenylalanine: space-filling representation
Views of acetaldehyde: re and si faces
The three stereoisomers of cystine
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