Datafile Name: Home Runs Excel
Story Names: Home Runs
Reference: Moore, David S., and George P. McCabe (1989). Introduction to the Practice of Statistics.
Description: Batting average and number of home runs by each of the 14 baseball teams in the American League in 1987.
Number of cases: 14
Variable Names:
  1. Team: Team name
  2. Home_Runs: Number of home runs in the 1987 season
  3. Batting_Average: 1987 batting average
The Data:
Team	Home_Runs	Batting_Average
Boston	174	0.277
Milwaukee	163	0.276
Seattle	161	0.272
Detroit	230	0.272
Toronto	214	0.269
Texas	194	0.266
Cleveland	187	0.263
Kansas City	167	0.262
New York	196	0.262
Minnesota	196	0.261
Oakland	199	0.259
Chicago	173	0.258
Baltimore	213	0.257
California	172	0.252