Story Names: When do Babies Start to Crawl Excel
Reference: Benson, Janette. (1993). Infant Behavior and Development.
Description: Data from a study of the age at which infants learn to crawl, and whether crawling age is related to the temperature during the month in which babies first try to crawl. The file contains summary data including the number of infants born during each month, the mean and standard deviation of their crawling ages, and the average monthly temperature six months after the birth month.
Number of cases: 12
Variable Names:
  1. birth_month: month of the birth
  2. avg_crawling_age: average age in weeks that this group learned to crawl
  3. SD: standard deviation of time to crawling for this group
  4. n: number of infants in that birth month group
  5. temperature: average monthly temperature six months after birth month
The Data:
birth_month	avg_crawling_age	SD	n	temperature
January	29.84	7.08	32	66
February	30.52	6.96	36	73
March	29.70	8.33	23	72
April	31.84	6.21	26	63
May	28.58	8.07	27	52
June	31.44	8.10	29	39
July	33.64	6.91	21	33
August	32.82	7.61	45	30
September	33.83	6.93	38	33
October	33.35	7.29	44	37
November	33.38	7.42	49	48
December	32.32	5.71	44	57