Datafile Name: State Public Expenditures
Story Names:
  • State Public Expenditures
  • Reference:
    U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Government Finances
    	in 1960, Census of Population, 1960,  Census of Manufactures, 1958,  Statistical
    	Abstract of the United States, 1961.
    U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Statistics, 1961.  
    U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Yearbook, 1960.

    Authorization: free use
    Description: Per capita state and local public expenditures and associated state demographic and economic characteristics, 1960.
    Number of cases: 48
    Variable Names:
    1. EX: Per capita state and local public expenditures ($)
    2. ECAB: Economic ability index, in which income, retail sales, and the value of output (manufactures, mineral, and agricultural) per capita are equally weighted.
    3. MET: Percentage of population living in standard metropolitan areas
    4. GROW: Percent change in population, 1950-1960
    5. YOUNG: Percent of population aged 5-19 years
    6. OLD: Percent of population over 65 years of age
    7. WEST: Western state (1) or not (0)
    The Data:
    256	85.5	19.7	6.9	29.6	11.0	0	ME
    275	94.3	17.7	14.7	26.4	11.2	0	NH
    327	87.0	0.0	3.7	28.5	11.2	0	VT
    297	107.5	85.2	10.2	25.1	11.1	0	MA
    256	94.9	86.2	1.0	25.3	10.4	0	RI
    312	121.6	77.6	25.4	25.2	9.6	0	CT
    374	111.5	85.5	12.9	24.0	10.1	0	NY
    257	117.9	78.9	25.5	24.8	9.2	0	NJ
    257	103.1	77.9	7.8	25.7	10.0	0	PA
    336	116.1	68.8	39.9	26.4	8.0	0	DE
    269	93.4	78.2	31.1	27.5	7.3	0	MD
    213	77.2	50.9	21.9	28.8	7.3	0	VA
    308	108.4	73.1	22.2	28.0	8.2	0	MI
    273	111.8	69.5	21.8	26.9	9.2	0	OH
    256	110.8	48.1	18.3	27.5	9.6	0	IN
    287	120.9	76.9	15.5	25.4	9.7	0	IL
    290	104.3	46.3	14.9	27.4	10.2	0	WI
    217	85.1	30.9	-7.4	30.0	9.3	0	WV
    198	76.8	34.1	0.3	29.4	9.6	0	KY
    217	75.1	45.8	8.1	28.9	8.7	0	TE
    195	78.7	24.6	12.4	30.8	6.9	0	NC
    183	65.2	32.2	12.9	32.9	6.3	0	SC
    222	73.0	46.0	14.4	30.0	7.4	0	GA
    283	80.9	65.6	77.2	25.5	11.2	0	FL
    217	69.4	45.6	7.0	30.5	8.0	1	AL
    231	57.4	8.6	0.5	32.1	8.7	1	MS
    329	95.7	51.3	14.4	28.8	10.4	1	MN
    294	100.2	33.2	5.3	27.3	11.9	1	IA
    232	99.1	57.9	9.8	25.6	11.7	1	MO
    369	93.4	10.6	2.9	30.2	9.3	1	ND
    302	88.2	12.7	4.6	28.9	10.5	1	SD
    269	99.1	37.6	6.8	26.6	11.6	1	NB
    291	102.2	37.4	13.7	26.8	11.0	1	KS
    323	86.0	5.0	21.9	30.3	7.4	1	LA
    198	68.6	19.1	-6.2	29.4	10.9	1	AR
    282	84.9	43.9	6.4	27.4	10.7	1	OK
    246	98.8	63.4	24.1	28.8	7.8	1	TX
    309	86.2	27.6	39.4	31.5	5.4	1	NM
    309	90.2	71.4	74.3	29.7	6.9	1	AZ
    334	97.6	22.6	13.4	28.9	9.7	1	MT
    284	93.9	0.0	13.3	30.7	8.7	1	ID
    454	125.8	0.0	13.7	29.1	7.8	1	WY
    344	98.0	6.8	31.5	28.0	9.0	1	CO
    307	92.5	67.5	28.7	31.9	6.7	1	UT
    333	100.4	63.1	19.9	27.5	9.8	1	WA
    343	98.0	50.4	15.7	27.7	10.4	1	OR
    421	205.0	74.2	77.8	25.6	6.4	1	NV
    380	112.6	86.5	48.5	26.2	8.8	1	CA