Datafile Name: Singers
Story Names: Singer Heights
Reference: Chambers, Cleveland, Kleiner, and Tukey. (1983). Graphical Methods for Data Analysis. Wadsworth International Group, Belmont, CA., 350.
Authorization: contact authors
Description: Heights of singers in the NY Choral Society in 1979. Self-report, to the nearest inch. Voice parts in order from highest pitch to lowest pitch are Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass. The first two are female voices and the last two are male voices. The original dataset included two divisions for each voice part. This dataset reports only soprano 1, alto 1, tenor 1, and bass 1 from the original dataset.

Number of cases: 39
Variable Names:
  1. Soprano: Heights of sopranos (in inches)
  2. Alto: Heights of altos (in inches)
  3. Tenor: Heights of tenors (in inches)
  4. Bass: Heights of basses (in inches)
The Data:
Soprano	Alto	Tenor	Bass
64	65	69	72
62	62	72	70
66	68	71	72
65	67	66	69
60	67	76	73
61	63	74	71
65	67	71	72
66	66	66	68
65	63	68	68
63	72	67	71
67	62	70	66
65	61	65	68
62	66	72	71
65	64	70	73
68	60	68	73
65	61	73	70
63	66	66	68
65	66	68	70
62	66	67	75
65	62	64	68
66	70		71
62	65		70
65	64		74
63	63		70
65	65		75
66	69		75
65	61		69
62	66		72
65	65		71
66	61		70
65	63		71
61	64		68
65	67		70
66	66		75
65	68		72
62			66