Datafile Name: Albuquerque Batmobile
Datafile Subjects: Government , Health
Story Names: Albuquerque Batmobile
Reference: Division of Governmental Research, University of New Mexico

Authorization: free use
Description: In April 1979 the Albuquerque Police Department began a special enforcement program aimed at countering DWI (driving while intoxicated) accidents. The program was composed of a squad of police officers, Breath Alcohol Testing (BAT) devices, and a van which houses a BAT device and is used as a mobile BAT station (Batmobile). These data were collected by the Division of Govern- mental Research of the University of New Mexico under a contract with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the Department of Transport- ation to evaluate the Batmobile program. The first 29 observations are for a control period and the next 23 observations are for the experimental (Batmobile) period. .
Number of cases: 52
Variable Names:
  1. QTR: Quarter (Quarters 1-29 = Control, Quarters 30-52 = Experimental)
  2. ACC: Injuries and fatalities from Wednesday to Saturday nighttime accidents
  3. FUEL: Fuel consumption (million gallons) in Albuquerque
The Data:
QTR     ACC      FUEL

1	192	32.592
2	238	37.250
3	232	40.032
4	246	35.852
5	185	38.226
6	274	38.711
7	266	43.139
8	196	40.434
9	170	35.898
10	234	37.111
11	272	38.944
12	234	37.717
13	210	37.861
14	280	42.524
15	246	43.965
16	248	41.976
17	269	42.918
18	326	49.789
19	342	48.454
20	257	45.056
21	280	49.385
22	290	42.524
23	356	51.224
24	295	48.562
25	279	48.167
26	330	51.362
27	354	54.646
28	331	53.398
29	291	50.584
30	377	51.320
31	327	50.810
32	301	46.272
33	269	48.664
34	314	48.122
35	318	47.483
36	288	44.732
37	242	46.143
38	268	44.129
39	327	46.258
40	253	48.230
41	215	46.459
42	263	50.686
43	319	49.681
44	263	51.029
45	206	47.236
46	286	51.717
47	323	51.824
48	306	49.380
49	230	47.961
50	304	46.039
51	311	55.683
52	292	52.263