Datafile Name: Emerald
Story Names: Rising Health Care Costs
Reference: The Columbus Dispatch. (1993, June 8). Data computed from an advertisement for Emerald Health Network, Inc.
Description: Datafile contains Emerald Health Network, Inc's claim costs from 1986 to 1992. For comparison, the unadjusted Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) is also given along with the medical care component of the CPI (for both these indexes the base year was 1982 when the value is set to 100).
Number of cases: 7
Variable Names:
- year: Year
- Emerald_costs: Claim costs
- CPI-U: Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers
- CPI-med_care: CPI for the medical care component
The Data:
year Emerald_costs CPI-U CPI-med_care
1986 176 110.5 125.7
1987 180.9 115.4 132.7
1988 198.7 120.5 141.9
1989 208.0 126.1 154.1
1990 204.7 133.8 169.3
1991 215.1 137.9 182.8
1992 229.0 142.0 195.2