=>Your forecast will earn points only if your interval contains the true historical value.
=> The number of points earned will be the number of teams which miss the value or use an interval as wide as yours (or wider).
CARS = The number of passenger cars registered in the United States in the year 1993.
SKATE = The winning time (in seconds) for the Olympic Men's 1500 meter speedskate at the 1994 Winter Olympics.
BEER = The total amount of beer (in barrels) produced in the United States for the third quarter (July, August, September) of 1993.
SALES = The total value of all retail sales in the United States during November of 1993 (repeat for December 1993)
SKATE - Winning Time, Olympic 1500m Speedskating
BEER - U.S. Production of Beer
SALES - Total U.S. Retail Sales
Super Bowl Scores