[1] | Automorphisms of the lattice of recursively enumerable sets: a survey. Colloquium, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 1990. |
[2] | Automorphisms of the lattice of recursively enumerable sets: the promptly simple sets. Midwest Model Theory Conference, Madison, WI, 1991. |
[3] | The interaction of structural properties of the recursively enumerable sets with the recursively enumerable degrees. Logic Colloquium, George Washington University, Washington D.C., 1991. |
[4] | Some thoughts on constructing automorphisms of E*. Logic Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1992. |
[5] | The r.e. degrees and the lattice 1-3-1. Connecticut Logic Seminar, Wesleyan University, 1993. |
[6] | And yet another proof of ramsey's theorem. Undergraduate Mathematics Colloquium, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI, 1993. |
[7] | On the cantor-bendixon rank of recursively enumerable sets. Special Session in Recursion Theory, American Mathematical Society Meeting, Washington D.C., 1993. |
[8] | Isomorphism, orbits and degrees. Invited Address, Annual Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Notre Dame, 1993. |
[9] | Lattice nonembeddings and intervals of the recursively enumerable degrees. Logic Seminar, University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1993. |
[10] | Incompleteness in arithmetic. Undergraduate Mathematics Colloquium, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, 1994. |
[11] | Intervals without any critical triples. Logic Seminar, University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1994. |
[12] | Automorphic recursively enumerable sets. Special Session in Recursion Theory at the Logic Colloquium, Haifa, Israel, 1995. |
[13] | The recursively enumerable sets. Greater Boston Logic Conference, Recursion Theory Workshop, MA, 1995. |
[14] | Intervals without any critical triples. Logic Seminar, University of Michigan, 1995. |
[15] | Computably categorical structures. Logic Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996. |
[16] | Automorphisms of the computably enumerable sets. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, 1996. |
[17] | Definability, automorphisms and the computably enumerable sets. Invited Address, Winter Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Orlando, FL, 1996. |
[18] | Permitting, forcing and copies of recursive structures. Special Session in Recursive and Feasible Mathematics, American Mathematical Society Meeting, Orlando, FL, 1996. |
[19] | Automorphisms of computably enumerable sets. Logic Seminar, University of Chicago, IL, 1997. |
[20] | More on the strength of Ramsey's Theorem for pairs. Mini-symposium in Logic at the PhD Centennial Conference, Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1997. |
[21] | On Ramsey's Theorem for pairs, part II. Special Session in Computability Theory at the Logic Colloquium, Leeds, England, 1997. |
[22] | Automorphic computably enumerable sets. Plenary Address, Workshop on Recursion Theory and Complexity, Kazan, Russia, 1997. |
[23] | Automorphisms of the recursively enumerable sets. A series of 3 2-hours talks, Recursion Theory Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of California at Berkeley, 1997. |
[24] | The strength of Ramsey's Theorem. Logic Colloquium, Group in Logic and Methodology of Science, University of California at Berkeley, 1997. |
[25] | The strength of Ramsey's theorem. Mathematics Colloquium, University of Victora, Wellington, New Zealand, 1997. |
[26] | The strength of Ramsey's Theorem. VIG'98 (Very Informal Gathering---Logic, UCLA, LA, CA, 1998. |
[27] | Automorphisms of computably enumerable sets. Logic Seminar, UC---Irvine, Irvine, CA, 1998. |
[28] | Some recent results on the computably enumerable sets. Logic Colloquium '99, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1999. |
[29] | The global structure of computably enumerable sets. AMS Summer Research Conference on Computability Theory and Applications, Boulder, CO, 1999. |
[30] | The strength of Ramsey's Theorem for pairs. Logic Seminar, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1999. |
[31] | Definable coding in the computable enumerable sets. Logic Seminar, University of Chicago, 2000. |
[32] | Ramsey's theorem for pairs. Mathematics Colloquium, University of Michigan, 2000. |
[33] | Maximal contiguous degrees. Special Session in Computability Theory at the ASL Annual Meeting, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. |
[34] | The latest (exciting) news about the computably enumerable sets. Invited Address, Winter Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, New Orleans, LA, 2001. |
[35] | The latest (exciting) news about the computably enumerable sets. Logic Colloquium, Indiana University---Bloomington, IN, 2001. |
[36] | Extension theorems and automorphisms of the computably enumerable sets. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, 2001. |
[37] | On the definability of the double jump in c.e. sets. The CUNY Logic Workshop, NYC, NY, 2001. |
[38] | On the definability of the double jump in c.e. sets. Logic Colloquium, UCLA, LA, CA, 2001. |
[39] | Extensions theorems and automorphisms of the computably enumerable sets. Special Session in Computability and its applications, American Mathematical Society Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2002. |
[40] | Extensions theorems and automorphisms of the computably enumerable sets. Logic Colloquium, University of Wisconsin--Madison, 2002. |
[41] | Orbits of the computably enumerable sets. Logic Colloquium, Cornell University, 2002. |
[42] | A definable yet non-Δ03 orbit in the computably enumerable sets. Special Session on Computability and Models, American Mathematical Society Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, 2003. |
[43] | On the complexity of orbits in E*. Computability and Logic Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, 2003. |
[44] | On the complexity of orbits in E*. Special Session in Computability Theory and Effective Mathematics at the ASL Annual Meeting, University of Illinois-Chicago, 2003. |
[45] | The computably enumerable sets: Recent results and future directions. Invited Lecture, 12th International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Oviedo, Spain, 2003. |
[46] | The computably enumerable sets: Recent results and future directions. Keynote Address, 5th Annual Graduate Student Conference in Logic, 2004. |
[47] | Improving and proving the Slaman-Woodin conjecture. North Texas Logic Conference, Denton, Texas, 2004. |
[48] | Improving and proving the Slaman-Woodin conjecture. Special Session on Computability and Applications, AMS Sectional Meeting, Evanston, IL., 2004. |
[49] | Well quasi-orders; reverse mathematics and the equivalence of definitions for well and better quasi-orders. ASL-AMS Special Session on Reverse Math, AMS National Meeting, Altanta, GA., 2005. |
[50] | Academic publishing. Response and comments on Peter Suber's lecture "What is Open Access to Science and Scholarship?" at Notre Dame., 2005. Pdf. |
[51] | Progress on the c.e. sets: Improving and proving the Slaman-Woodin conjecture. Computational Prospects of Infinity, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2005. Pdf. |
[52] | Uniform almost everywhere domination. Computational Prospects of Infinity, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2005. Pdf. |
[53] | Progress on the c.e. sets: Improving and proving the Slaman-Woodin conjecture. The CUNY Logic Workshop, NYC, 2005. Pdf. |
[54] | Computability theory: Domination, Measure, Randomness, and Reverse Mathematics. New York Logic Colloquium, 2005. Pdf. |
[55] | Computability theory: Domination, Measure, Randomness, and Reverse Mathematics. Southern Wisconsin Logic Colloquium, UW--Madison, 2006. Pdf. |
[56] | The Computably Enumerable Sets: the Past, the Present and the Future. 2006 Greater Boston Logic Conference, 2006. |
[57] | The Computably Enumerable Sets: the Past, the Present and the Future. Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 2006, Beijing China, 2006. |
[58] | The Computably Enumerable Sets: the Past, the Present and the Future. Nanjing University, China, 2006. Pdf. |
[59] | Ramsey's theorem for pairs. Nanjing University, China, 2006. Pdf. |
[60] | The Computably Enumerable Sets: Open Questions. Special Session on Computability Theory in Honor of Manuel Lerman's Retirement, American Mathematical Society Meeting, Storrs, CT, 2006. Pdf. |
[61] | Computability theory: Domination, Measure, Randomness, and Reverse Mathematics. Logic Colloquium, University of Florida, 2007. Pdf. |
[62] | Computability theory: Domination, Measure, Randomness, and Reverse Mathematics. Computer Science Department, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2007. Pdf. |
[63] | The Computably Enumerable Sets: the Past, the Present and the Future. Computer Science Department, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2007. |
[64] | The Computably Enumerable Sets: the Past, the Present and the Future. Logic Seminar, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, 2007. |
[65] | On Ramsey's theorem for pairs. Seminar, Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, 2007. Pdf. |
[66] | Computability theory: Domination, Measure, Randomness, and Reverse Mathematics. Seminario Rubio de Francia, University of Zaragoza, Spain, 2007. Pdf. |
[67] | Strong jump-traceability: the computably enumerable case. Contributed Talk, Logic Colloquium 2007, Wroclaw, Poland, 2007. Pdf. |
[68] | Coding, orbits and computably enumerable sets. Harvard Mathematical Logic Seminar, 2007. |
[69] | Coding, orbits and computably enumerable sets. UCONN Logic Seminar, 2007. |
[70] | On liminfs. Penn State Mass Seminar, 2007. |
[71] | Strong jump-traceability: the computably enumerable case. Penn State Logic Seminar, 2007. |
[72] | On liminfs in cantor space. University of Chicago, 2008. |
[73] | On liminfs in cantor space. Computability, Complexity and Randomness, 08, Nanjing University, China, 2008. |
[74] | The computably enumerable sets. Tutorial. Asian Logic Conference 10, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 2008. Pdf. |
[75] | The computably enumerable sets, Σ11-completeness and tardy sets. Berkeley Recursion Theory Seminar, 2009. |
[76] | Algebra and logic. Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2010. |
[77] | Definability in the computably enumerable sets, What I learned from Leo Harrington. ASL Meeting, Definability throughout Mathematical Logic -- in honor of Leo Harrington, Berkeley, 2011. Pdf. |
[78] | Ramsey theory and reverse mathematics. 2011. Pdf. |
[79] | Some projects in reverse mathematics. Reverse Mathematics Workshop, Chicago, 2011. Pdf. |
[80] | Mathematical publishing. Open Access Week Presentations, Hesburgh Libraries, Notre Dame, 2011. Pdf. |
[81] | D-maximal sets. Computability, Oberwolfach, Germany, 2012. Pdf. |
[82] | Computably enumerable partial orderings. AMS Special Session on Computable Mathematics (in honor of Alan Turing), Washington, DC, 2012. Pdf. |
[83] | The computably enumerable sets: a partial survey with questions. The Incomputable, Kavli Royal Society International Centre Chicheley Hall, Isaac Newton Institute Programme - "Semantics and Syntax: A Legacy of Alan Turing" (SAS), 2012. Pdf. |
[84] | Computable mathias genericity. Turing Centenary Conference and 8th Conference on Computability in Europe CiE 2012, Cambridge, UK, 2012. Pdf. |
[85] | BΣ02 and reverse mathematics of ramsey's theorem for pairs with 2 colors. Midlands Logic Seminar, University of Birmingham, UK, 2012. [ http ] |
[86] | Computably enumerable partial orderings. Seventh International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2012), Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, 2012. Pdf. |
[87] | The computably enumerable sets: the tardy sets, the D-maximal sets and the low sets. Harvard/MIT Logic Seminar, Cambridge, MA, 2012. Pdf. |
[88] | The c.e. sets disjoint from a c.e. set A. Buenos Aires Semester in Computability, Complexity and Randomness, 2013. Pdf. |
[89] | Splits of c.e. sets. Midwest Computability Seminar, 2013. |
[90] | Mathias genericity. UW--Madison Logic Seminar, 2014. |
[91] | Mathias forcing. Ninth International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2014), Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, 2014. |
[92] | Every FIP degree computes a 1-generic. SIDIM XXX, University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez, 2015. Pdf. |
[93] | Effective Prime Uniquess. Varieties of Algorithmic Information, 2015. Pdf. |
[94] | On Friedberg Splits. Technical University of Darmstadt, 2015. Pdf. |
[95] | On Friedberg Splits. Tenth International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2015), 2015. Pdf. |
[96] | Effective Prime Uniquess. Special Session on Computability Theory and Applications, AMS Sectional Meeting, Chicago, 2015. Pdf. |
[97] | Rado path decomposition. New Challenges in Reverse Mathematics, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2016. |
[98] | Rado path decomposition. Logic Seminar, Univeristy of Michigan, 2016. Pdf. |
[99] | Rado path decomposition. Session in Coputability Theory, Association for Symbolic Logic, 2016 Annual North American Meeting, Storrs, Connecticut, 2016. Pdf. |
[100] | Density-1-bounding and quasiminimality in the generic and coarse degrees. Computability, Randomness and Applications, CIRM, France, 2016. |
[101] | (Some) lowness notions in the c.e. sets. Computability and Complexity Symposium, New Zealand, 2017. Pdf. |
[102] | Lowness notions in the c.e. sets. Workshop on Classic Computability Theory, Singapore, 2017. Pdf. |
[103] | Rado path decomposition. Logic Seminar, IU--Bloomington, 2017. Pdf. |
[104] | Encodable by thin sets. South Eastern Logic Symposium, 2018. Pdf. |
[105] | Encodable by thin sets. Midwest Computability Seminar, 2018. Pdf. |
[106] | Encodable by thin sets. RaTLoCC 2018: Ramsey Theory in Logic, Combinatorics and Complexity, Bertinoro, Italy, 2018. Pdf. |
[107] | Encodable by thin sets. Logic Seminar, UW--Madison, 2018. Pdf. |
[108] | Is COH computably reducible to SRT22? SIDIM, Humacao, Puerto Rico, 2019. Pdf. |
[109] | Computability-theoretic aspects of Ramsey's Theorem. Logic Workshop, CUNY, NYC, 2019. |
[110] | Is COH computably reducible to SRT22? AMS Sectional Meeting, Hartford, CT, Special Session on Computability Theory, 2019. Pdf. |
[111] | Encodable by thin sets. Connecticut Logic Semianr, 2019. Pdf. |
[112] | Thin sets and the preservation of hyperimmunities. Special Session on Computability Theory in Honor of Steffen Lempp's 60th Birthday, AMS Sectional Meeting, Madison, WI, 2019. Pdf. |
[113] | Thin sets. Logic Seminar, Victoria Univeristy of Wellington, New Zealand, 2019. Pdf. |
[114] | What can we compute from solutions to combinatorial problems? Math Colloquium, Massey Univeristy, Auckland, New Zealand, 2019. Pdf. |
[115] | What can we compute from solutions to combinatorial problems? Colloquium, University of Wisconsin--Madison, 2020. Pdf. |
[116] | On recent work by Monin and Patey. Logic Seminar, University of Wisconsin--Madison, 2020. |
[117] | Lowness in c.e. sets and degrees. French Computabilty Day, Henri Poincare Institute, Paris, France, 2020. |
[118] | What can we compute from solutions to combinatorial problems? Colloquium, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST), 2020. Pdf. |
[119] | Big ramsey degrees of the rationals and the rado graph and computability theory. MSRI Computability Seminar, 2020. Pdf. |
[120] | The collapse of an REA hierarchy. JMM, AMS Special Session on Computability Theory and Effective Mathematics, 2021. Pdf. |
[121] | Old and new results on the computably enumerable sets. Online Logic Seminar, http://lagrange.math.siu.edu/calvert/OnlineLogicSeminar.html, 2021. Pdf. |
[122] | Notre Dame Lighting Talk, 2021. |
[123] | Two vignettes. Oberwolfach, Hybrid Meeting, 2021. Pdf. |
[124] | Old and new results on the computably enumerable sets. Computability Theory and Applications Online Seminar, 2022. Pdf. |
[125] | On Ramsey-like theorems on the rationals and the Rado graph. UM Logic Seminar, 2022. |
[126] | On Ramsey-like theorems on the rationals and the rado graph. International conference on computability, complexity and randomness, Cambridge, UK, 2022. Pdf. |
[127] | On Ramsey-like theorems on the rationals and the rado graph. WRMP 2022 : Workshop on Reverse Mathematics and its Philosophy, Paris, France), 2022. Pdf. |
[128] | Ramsey like theorems on the rationals and some other structures. Invited Lecture, Association for Symbolic Logic Winter Meeting, Joint Math Meetings, Boston, 2023. Pdf. |
[129] | Ramsey like theorems on the rationals and some other structures. SIDIM 38, University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez, 2023. Pdf. |
[130] | Ramsey like theorems on the rationals and some other structures. IU Logic Seminar, IU Bloomington, IN, 2023. Pdf. |
[131] | Some computability theoretic aspects of Dobrinen’s result that the universal triangle free graph has finite big ramsey degrees. Midwest Computability Seminar, Chicago, 2023. |
[132] | Some computability theoretic aspects of Dobrinen’s result that the universal triangle free graph has finite big ramsey degrees. AMS Sectional Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, Special Session on Computability Theory, 2024. |
[133] | Coding in the universal n-clique free graph Hn+1. UW--Madison Logic Seminar, 2024. |
[134] | Coding in the universal n-clique free graph Hn+1. UC Logic Seminar, 2025. |
[135] | The Puerto Rico coastline is a rectifiable curve! SIDIM 40, University of Puerto Rico, Ponce, 2025. Pdf. |
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