PHYS 10240:  Elementary Cosmology Book Reports



The book report is due before or on April 1. The report must follow these requirements. All Books are on reserve in the Hesburgh Library Science Hall (directly above NSH 117 where lectures are) and can be checked out after Jan 26th for 1 month and then renewed for another month. Books must be returned by May 1st. Students not returning a book by this date will forfeit credit for the book report (25% of final grade).


Tentative List of Books: (under review and more on order)

Book Author
The World within the World Barrow
The Universe Net Door Chown
Parrallel Worlds Kaku
The Endless Universe Steinhardt
Hyperspace Kaku
Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos Overbye
About Time Davies
The Great Beyond Halpern
Warped Passages Randall
The Origin of the Universe Barrow
Facts and Speculations in Cosmology Narliker
Why Arnt Black Holes Black Hazen
Parrallel Worlds Kaku
Many Worlds in One Alex Vilenkin
Our Cosmic Habitat Rees
Quintessence Kraus
Dark Side of the Universe Nicholson
Don't Know Much about the Universe Davis
Surfing through Hyperspace Pickover
Out of This world Webb
The Quantum World Polkinghorne
The Matter Myth Davies
The Afterglow of Creation Chown
Blind Watchers of the Sky Kolb
Symmetry and the Universe Lederman
Theism,Atheism and Cosmology Craig
The Accelerating Universe Livio
Parting the Cosmic Veil Lang
Longing for the Harmonies Wilczek
Gravities Fatal Attraction Begelman and Rees
The Infinite Cosmos Silk
The Search for Superstrings Gribbin
The Magic Furnace Chown
Beyond Einstein Kaku
Journey from the Center of the Sun Zirker
The Five Ages of The Universe Adams
The Little Book of the Big Bang Hogan
Fabric of the Cosmos Greene
The Quantum Zoo Chown
The Birth of Time Gribbin
Out of this World Webb
Death by Blackhole DeGrasse-Tyson
The Universe in a Nutshell Hawking
The illustrated Brief History of Time Hawking
Calibrating the Cosmos Levin
Einsteins Universe Calder
Origins Degrasse-Tyson
Timeless Reality Stenger
At the Edge of the Universe Wright
Cosmology Revealed Glendenning
In Search of the Edge of Time Gribbin
Einsteins Greatest Blunder Goldsmith
The extravagant Universe Kirshner
The Runaway Universe Goldsmith
Just Six Numbers Rees
Deep Down Things Schumm
Flatterland Stewart
The new world of Mr Tomkins Gamow
The Edge of Infinity Davies
Black Holes and time warps Thorne
Charm of Strange Quarks Barnett
Supersymmetry Kane
Introduction to Cosmology Bernstein
Foundations of Modern Cosmology Hawley
The Inflationary Universe Guth
The Elegant Universe* Greene
The First Three Minutes* Weinberg
The Last three Minutes* Davies
The Big Bang* Silk
The State of the Universe* Pedro Ferriera
The Big Bang Harding
Alpha to Omega Seife
Cosmological Enigmas Kidger
The New Cosmology Allen
Our Improbable Universe Mallary
On the Shores of the Unknown Silk
Before the Beginning Rees
Cosmic Enigmas Silk
The Bigger Bang Lidsey
Cosmology Peter Coles
The Life of teh Cosmos Smolin
Dark Cosmos Hooper
Cosmic Evolution Chaisson
Measuring the Cosmos Clark
How the Universe got its spots Levin
The Universe at Midnight Hooper
The Birth of Time Gribben
A short history of the Universe Silk
The Cosmic Landscape Susskind
Wonders of the Universe Cox and Cohen
Universe Brockman
The order of time Rovelli
The cosmic code Domingues-Montanari
The Biggest Ideas in the Universe Carrol
A crack in everything Chown